Report on Singapore's First Case of Influzena A (H1N1)
30 May 2009
Singapore's first case of Influenza A (H1N1)
Reported by Belizesh
The patient is currently being treated at the Communicable Disease Centre at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and is in stable condition. The 22—year—old Singaporean woman who was in New York from May 14—24 and she arrived back in Singapore from New York on SQ25 on 26 May at 6.30am.She began to develop a cough while onboard. She passed the thermal scanner uneventfully as she did not have fever then.
Later in the morning, she consulted a GP who decided to send her to TTSH via a 993 ambulance, given her travel history. She was immediately admitted for testing. Laboratory confirmation of her infection was made by midnight of 26 May.The patient has been vigilant in monitoring her own condition and had sought immediate medical attention once she realized that she was unwell.
Her attending GP, through his quick response in activating the 993 ambulance for the patient, had also helped to minimize the spread of infection from this case.The Health Ministry says it has initiated contact tracing of her close contacts. They will be quarantined and provided with antiviral prophylaxis.
Passengers who had travelled in the same flight and were seated in rows 52 to 58 are urged to call the hotline at 1800—333 9999 to enable the MOH to check on their health condition.
The MOH adds that all medical practitioners and health care institutions should continue to be vigilant to suspect cases. Singapore will continue with temperature screening for passengers entering Singapore at all checkpoints (land, sea and air). All passengers passing through or entering Singapore are given Health Alert Notices on board their flights, advising them to monitor their own health if they have been to affected areas and to seek medical attention immediately if they are not well.Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 2:10 PM
The Mystery Of 'Missing" Fingerprints
The Mystery Of "Missing" Fingerprints Reported by : Elliase Star The man, identified only as Mr. S., was detained at airport customs for four hours until puzzled Homeland Security officials were able to verify his identity by other means, according to a letter posted online in Annals of Oncology. The loss of fingerprints is part of a condition known as hand-foot syndrome -- formally palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia -- that arises in patients taking capecitabine (Xeloda), according to the man's doctor, Eng-Huat Tan, M.D., of the Singapore National Cancer Centre. The syndrome causes chronic inflammation of the palms or soles of the feet and the skin can peel, bleed and develop ulcers or blisters. "This can give rise to eradication of finger prints with time," Dr. Tan said in a statement. The syndrome appears to be relatively common among capecitabine patients. One study, published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology in 2004, found that 65% of patients in clinical trials of the drug developed hand-foot syndrome, although only about 5% had a grade 3 condition. Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 2:03 PM
WHO to re look alert system
29 May 2009
WHO to re look alert system Reported by: Yoko The World Health Organisation may alter its pandemic warning system after some countries said that raising the alert over the current Influenza A (H1N1) threat could create confusion and cause a loss of confidence. The agency will ask a group of scientists and public health officials over the next few weeks for advice on how to improve the decade-old alert system, said Dr Keiji Fukuda, WHO's assistant director- general of health security and environment. Cases worldwide have more than doubled in the pass two weeks as the virus became established in countries outside North America, where it was discovered about six weeks ago. Still, the WHO wants to see more evidence of a widespread community transmission before declaring the first influenza pandemic since 1968, Dr Fukuda said. British Health Secretary, Alan Johnson said that WHO should have the flexibility to us emerging knowledge about the H1N1 flu in deciding whether the outbreak is sufficiently serious to raise the pandemic to the highest of its six level scale. By yesterday, 48 countries had reported almost 13,500 cases, all which included 95 deaths. More cases were reported in Australia, Japan and South Korea. Singapore had reported also, its 4Th case and Bahrain reported its first case. All these numbers show how dangerous H1N1 is, and the public is strongly advised to practice good hygiene habits. Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 8:02 PM
Singapore found its FIRST A/H1N1 Influzena Case
27 May 2009
个案 (新加坡讯)我国确诊第一例甲型H1N1流感个案,病患是一名22岁的新加坡女性,5月14日-24日在纽约逗留,于5月26日早上6时30分乘坐新航班机SQ25从纽约返回新加坡,她是坐在机上第55排座位。 病患在飞机上已开始咳嗽,但因当时未出现发热症状而顺利通过了热量扫描器。之后她到普通科医生(GP)处就诊,鉴于她刚从纽约返新,医生在为她作检查后,立即拨打993热线,召救护车将她送往陈笃生医院接受检验。26日午夜,检测结果确诊其感染甲型H1N1流感。她目前在陈笃生医院传染中心接受治疗,情况稳定。
我国卫生部已在追踪与病患有密切接触的人员,并呼吁与该病患搭乘同架航班、坐在52-58排之间的乘客拨打热线1800-333 9999与卫生部联络,以便当局检查他们的健康情况,防止H1N1甲型流感扩散。
Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 6:26 PM
Education Ministry's New Plans
26 May 2009
冰慧 报道
小学将推出单元式课程与各种活动等方式让学生更容易接受、学习华文并且建更多的艺术、音乐和体育中心以让学生提升自己。教育部会与海外学校合作让更多学生获得大学的学位。教育部的新计划会使更多人更容易找工作也会让人们有更多的知识。在这些林林总总的计划下,到底会产生怎样的结果?大家就拭目以待吧! Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 4:03 PM
Imminent Jurong hospital to start hiring
Imminent Jurong hospital to start hiring Reported By Belizesh Ho Jurong's General hospital (JGH) will start recruiting even before construction for the proposed 700-bed facility starts. Over the next five years, its doctors, nurses and other staff will be working as the new team at the current Alexander Hospital (AH). They will take over gradually from the 1800-strong team now at AH-most of who will be moving to the new Khoo Teck Puat Hospital in Yishun, scheduled to open in phrases starting in March the following year. The 550-bed hospital will be completely open by September next year.
The team in Yishun will also recruiting more staff, especially for junior positions, as that hospital is more spacious than the current one in Alexandra. JGH's newly named chief executive officer at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) will move to AH next month. He will abruptly start recruiting staff to take over positions vacated by the move to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. Mr Foo is expected to take over the running of the 350-bed AH towards the end of next year from Mr Liak Teng Lit, who will head the Yishun hospital.
Mr Foo will build his team in preparation for the new hospital in Jurong East Regional Centre, scheduled to opening 201-a year earlier than the originally planned.
The exact location of the hospital has yet to be discussed, but it will be within walking distance of the MRT and bus interchange. Mr Foo has been in public health for the past 15years,first at Toa Payoh hospital and Changi General Hospital before joining SGH.
He will be assisted by Associate Professor Cheah Wei Keat, who has been appointed as chairman of the medical board for JGH. Prof. Cheah is now the head of general surgery at the national university hospital. In a addend urn to the President's address in the opening Parliament, Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan vowed:”We will facilitate integration of care services so that patients can be cared for at the most appropriate settings."
So in keeping with the other regional hospitals, JGH will have 200-bed community hospital just next door. The two hospitals will be designed for easy movement of patients between them.
Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 3:19 PM
How has the rising cost of living affected prices?
25 May 2009
How has the rising cost of living affected prices?
Reported by: Yoko
Consumers grumbling about the rising cost of living may be elated to know that the a cup of coffee or tea at most neighbourhood coffee shops have remained the same since February.
Figures from the Consumers Association of Singapore (Case), which released its second beverage price survey yesterday, show that the average price of a local coffee or tea with milk cost 80 cents while a can of Coke or Pepsi cost around $1.20.
Apart from having 151 drink stalls' responses, the second survey not only tracked the prices of a tea and coffee when compared to the first survey. It also tracked the prices of canned drinks like Pepsi, Coke and soya bean milk.
Case found that since February, fewer than 10 per cent of stalls- or eight vendors- had upped their prices for tea and coffee. Some 4 other stalls even lowered their prices by that amount.
Generally, the most expensive canned drinks were 100plus, H20 and Aisina China Apple Drink. They each had a mean price of over $1.20.
Other than prices, Case's survey also checked whether stall vendors displayed the prices of their drinks clearly. Sadly, more than half of them did not. 72 stalls did not display any sort of prices at all. While 18 others only displayed prices for kopi and teh.
And what's more, among those who displayed prices, 2 stalls charged 10 to 20 cents more than what was advertised.
Mr Chen Rong Hua, who owns two coffee shops in the east, said that many coffee shops do not display prices because "many customers are regulars and know how much their favourite beverage cost". Also, because more than 10 brands of beverages are sold, it would be very "untidy", he said.
In contrary, Mr Hong Poh Chin. the first vice-chairman of the Foochow Coffee Restaurant & Bar Merchants Association disagreed, saying that it was a matter of being fair to consumers, "so that at least they can choose whether they want to pay those prices".
The Foochow Coffee restaurant & Bar Merchants Association which represents 400 coffee shops owners, who are usually drink stalls operators, encourages its members to be upfront about their prices, Mr Chen added.
Another fact known through Case's survey was that air-conditioned foodcourts charge you up to 60 per cent more for drinks when compared to non air-conditioned foodcourts.
For the thrifty, the cheapest drinks in town are at the Kim Seng Coffee Stall, said case. A cup of coffee or tea at the stall only goes at 60 cents. While a canned drink starts at 90 cents. Now, that's what I call a bargain.
Dear readers, the editorial had made some errors in the above report and we are sorry for the inconvenience caused.Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 3:39 PM
Virtual worlds to educate real life to students
Virtual worlds to educate real life to students Reported by Ednar Tay
Some schools in Singapore have started using virtual worlds like Second Life as learning tools. Students can get a better knowledge of subjects ranging from art and married life to financial literacy.
In July 2009, lower secondary students from Ngee Ann Secondary School (NASS) will be commenting on art pieces found in gallery only in Second Life. They will be using Harvard University’s Artful Thinking syllabus, which develop the student’s art appreciation skills and their creative thinking. The school will also guide students through the issue of mercy-killing by having them to take the roles of vets and dog owners in a virtual animal clinic.
The MOE, which wants schools to “develop meaningful new ways of using technology for learning and teaching…that will lead to meaningful learning outcomes”, encourages the moves made by NASS and other schools. An MOE spokesman said that the ministry is also planning a study to explore the use of virtual worlds to improve learning and teaching.
At Innova Junior College (IJC), students will play as married couples, single people and divorcees on a future Mars colony troubled by the increasing birth rate and quarrelling over the costs and benefits of a scheme similar to the baby bonus. IJC’s infocomm technology head Tan Li Wee said that the students have limited life experience, so the exercise forces them to “experience issues from different perspectives”. Nowadays, students know very little about life, so the virtual worlds aid them in understanding and handling issues in life. Ms Tan is also hoping that they will build a better, more mature understanding of issues, and score better grades for their General Paper.
Schools like Beacon Primary and Ngee Ann Polytechnic have adopted information technology. In the meantime, the National Institute of Education’s Learning Science Lab is developing multi-online games on themes like active citizenry and national education. NASS principal Adrian Lim said that virtual worlds are a good fit for today’s students, who have grown up with the Internet. Natasha Emir, a Secondary 2 student, agrees. She said: “Many students are not that interested in art, but when they hear ‘virtual worlds’ and ‘IT’, they become more interested.” One good thing Mr Lim said about virtual worlds is that they are customisable, which gives the teacher tremendous flexibility in designing scenarios and allowing actions impossible for non-vets in reality, like putting a dog to sleep.
IJC’s Ms Tan mentioned another outcome of using virtual worlds from a teacher’s perspective: ‘because of their interactive nature, students become more involved and participate more often in classes. Natasha also said that she noticed shyer students opening up more than usual, likely because they are more comfortable using the virtual world’s online messaging system than speaking up. She said that initially, she was no fan of art, but her brush with virtual art has sparked an interest. She has since begun persuading her parents to organise family outings to visit the art galleries – real ones.
Virtual worlds are useful for students as we ourselves like computers so the virtual worlds will make students more interested and they can learn more through them. Here are 4 examples of learning in a simulated world. They are the ‘Youth Olympics Games virtual world’, ‘Financial literacy and accounting’, ‘NUS Second Life’ and ‘Statecraft X’.
Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 2:55 PM
About A(H1N1) Virus
23 May 2009
About A (H1N1) Virus Reported By Tainted Angel
Additional Report by Zhang Xin
Up to now, there are an estimated 90 deaths globally and 11050 confirmed cases in about 42 countries. Four Singaporeans are quarantined in Tibet as an Italian woman in their tour group has shown symptoms of Influenza A in a H1N1 check, a high fever. The group, which has 20 members, have been quarantined in Zhangmu, a Tibetan town near the Nepali border since Saturday. The group was supposed to be released on Tuesday after the woman's blood test result was out. However, the result did not prove negative and was sent to Beijing for more advanced testing. Channel News Asia questioned one of the Singaporeans, who was supposedly named Mr Lim. He said that he was unsure how long they would be quarantined. "A Chinese official just came by and he wanted to move us to a new hotel, but over the past few days, they kept feeding us with the wrong information, either that, or they don’t give us any information. So all of us didn’t want to move away from this hotel." he stated.
Singapore’s Foreign Ministry claims it has been in touch with the four Singaporeans and has been rendering the necessary consular assistance. No one else from the tour group has shown any symptoms of the H1N1 virus, but Ms Anna Husarskar, says that things were 'completely inefficient' as they had to "wait half a day for the ambulance to come and take them to the hotel, and another day and a half for the doctor to arrive, “China has four confirmed cases of the virus-the latest of a 59 year old man who was stopped while trying to enter a train with a fever. Japan has been hit hard-180 confirmed cases. Most of them were reported to be teenagers and children. More than 4400 schools and universities are to be closed. As the flu virus is not growing very fast in laboratories, instead of the previously estimated late this month, a vaccine will only be released at mid-July at the earliest.
In Tokyo, Japan, a 16-year-old school girl was tested to be positive for the H1N1 virus and had just come back from New York. Even the cases of the new strain of virus had risen to about 260 as of late yesterday; the Japan Health Ministry decided to stop the tight measures to quarantine those travellers from the European and affected countries, as they claimed that those measures are stressing the people. The reasons to stop those measures? The response is that they think that the death rate of the H1N1 virus aren't strong, and there was no cases of death reported there as of press time.
Up to now, there are an estimated 90 deaths globally and 11050 confirmed cases in about 42 countries.
Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 6:46 PM
Circle Line starting to operate
22 May 2009
By Sheng Tou Chi
TPW Photographs
By Charles Wong
Tay Yi Yin
The local's MRT and LRT new System map (
What can be expected from the commuters after the Circle Line (CCL) starts its operation on the 28 May? The faster service and cheaper fares are the wonderful factors that attracts the crowd's attention.
What can you expect from the faster and more "high-tech" service from the CCL? See the trial systems in the trains!
The new electronic screen in the CCL trains and other SMRT trains
New system in the East-west and North-south lines' trains
On April 10, we had reported about the CCL as "the world’s longest entirely automatic operated Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system" which is going to have its Phrase 5 stations: Bartley, Lorong Chuan, Serangoon, Bishan and Marymount "servicing the public starting from May 28 this year".
So let's look forward to this brand new transport system in Singapore! Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 9:28 PM
To All Readers
17 May 2009
The technical problem mentioned below was solved completely.
Welcome back to ThePopularwords!
Wallpaper which is on the theme of sunset would appear after a period of white background state. The information you read when you were browsing when the backgrounds are "expired" for weeks. If you met the above situation, please refresh the page.
Welcome back to ThePopularWords! It has been 2 months since we started our site and we have been trying our best to deliver everyone the latest. Recently, we changed the background of the site and much to our surprise, we discovered that the previous wallpaper which is on the theme of sunset would appear after a period of white background state. The information you read when you were browsing when the backgrounds are "expired" for weeks. If you met the above situation, please refresh the page so as to read the LATEST ISSUE OF LIFE and news.
欢迎再度回到火红的文字站!最近两个月以来,火红团队一直都全力以赴的为大家献上最新的资讯、内容。而最近,我们重新的对本站改造了一番,取得了不凡的效果。但是通常事事人难料,在我们最近的例常检查时,我们发现了一个严重的问题,要是你登录时,发现网页背景呈白色或是有日落的背景,那你阅读的统统是“过期”的内容了。于是,至此 通知,发现有上述问题时请即刻刷新网页,直到看见有狮城的夜景为止,那时你阅读的才真正是最新的内容。Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 3:43 PM
新马警方联手 我内安局情报导致逃马被捕
Singapore together with Malaysia, brought the end of the chase of the fugitive
08 May 2009
新马警方联手 我内安局情报导致逃马被捕
高健康/李伟伦 联合报道
我国内安局提供的重要情报致使“逃马”被捕获! 有消息来源向《海峡时报》透露,我国内安局向马来西亚当局提供“逃马”行踪的重要情报,促使两国保安部门展开联手行动,最终将他捕获。 据悉,新加坡当局在去年底获得一条有关“逃马”行踪的线索,在进行追查后,证实当这条线索可信度高,当局即刻将情报告知马来西亚警方,策划逮捕行动。
情报部门与逃马 三度隔海较量
2003年2月,新加坡当局向印尼提供情报,使“逃马”在印尼的行踪受到当地警方的监视。当他从廖内省的杜迈(Dumai)乘渡轮抵达民丹岛的丹戎槟榔(Tanjung Pinang)后,警方迅速行动,将他逮捕。他因触犯移民条例被判入狱18个月。
或与其他回祈团成员同时被捕 “逃马”可能是与其他几名回祈团成员同时被捕! 据《海峡时报》,“逃马”的被捕时间与其他几名涉嫌参与回祈团恐怖组织的人员差不多同时。 马国警方在3月逮捕了32岁的印尼人阿古斯沙林(Agus Salim ),又在4月1日逮捕了另外两名马来西亚人阿布马丁(Abdul Matin Anol Rahmat)和佐哈哈山(Johar Hassan)。 区域情报来源指出,“逃马”是在柔佛郊外藏匿时,于4月1日被马来西亚当局抓获,目前正被审问。
Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 5:10 PM
Reporters Check Out Hospitals
Reporters Check Out Hospitals
By Charles Wong 汪献成
贴于国大医院入口处的告示 (石头诗摄)
造访者必须填妥的表格(石头诗摄) 记者原先澄清了身份,希望可尽快通过,但还需量体温等。记者进去没多久,也步出了医院。 **OF Singapore General Hospital (SGH)
By Platinum Butterfly Obiviously, you will not get no mask, neither to not have your temperature checked and when you finally went through those procedures that you thought is troublesome, the certified item shall only an orange sticker with that day's date indicated, let's see how the reporter, me, step into the SGH.
Notice by SGH for the Influenza A (TPW PHOTO: Tay Yi Yin) All patients and visitors and patients will be screened for flu-like symptoms, muscle aches and travel history to the US.
I was stopped from entering SGH's pharmacy when my curosity rose for the cards on the display. The gerneral workers gave a mask and an orange sticker. The mask SGH's worker gave to the reporter (TPW PHOTO: Tay Yi Yin) I then went into the pharmacy. Only 2 visitors were allowed to visit those warded patients, and children below 12-year-old were not even allowed to visit anyone in SGH. This, is what the hospitals do but they might allow only one visitor to each patient if the Influenza gets more difficult to handle. Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 1:36 PM
Singapore prepares for Influenza's outbreaks though in Yellow Alert.
Singapore prepares for Influenza's outbreaks though in Yellow Alert.
Reported By Platinum Butterfly Additional Report By Corporative Editor Zhang Xin During the crisis, all local hospitals had prepared for any emergency even the alert level is in Yellow state. Posters were pasted on walls to tell patients to inform staff if they had been to Mexico, USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand or Israel and other 'infected' countries in the past few days. The number of deaths in Mexico is still rising and one case of death is also reported in America. The A(H1N1) Influenza although is a new virus with presently no cure, it holds more danger than the SARS outbrek in Singapore and killed 33 people during 2003. The symptoms, however, is showed after 7 days the virus had started spreading, later than the infection period of SARS. In SARS, a person becomes infectious after a few days of having fever. Influenza A(H1N1) is spread without any symptoms, making it 10 times worse than SARS. Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology is rushing to make a test kit for the virus. On the other hand, travel agencies are cancelling trips to the US.
Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 1:08 PM
Singapore to lower flu alert to yellow over next five days
07 May 2009
Singapore to lower flu alert to yellow over next five days
SINGAPORE - Singapore said Wednesday it would likely lower its alert level for swine flu next week, as the new strain of the virus appeared milder than originally feared. Authorities, however, will maintain temperature checks at the city-state's airport, sea ports and land border, the health ministry said in a statement. Passengers who had travelled to Mexico - the epicentre of the current flu outbreak - within seven days prior to their arrival in Singapore would still be placed under quarantine, it said. Screenings for flu-like symptoms at offices, schools, buildings and events will be lifted. If the situation remains the same, the alert level will be downgraded to "yellow" - the third in a five-step system - by Monday from the current "orange", the ministry said. "The new strain of influenza A(H1N1) seems milder than originally feared and appears to be more like seasonal flu," the ministry said. "However, as the situation is still evolving, we would need to constantly review and adjust our responses and be prepared to deal with the changing threat." The easing of measures is aimed at conserving resources and avoiding "flu fatigue", said Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan at a news conference on Wednesday. "We should shift to a sustainable level of flu precaution," he told reporters. He added: "SARS was not very infectious but deadly. It's like a big elephant. It is easier to spot and when you spot one, you try to shoot it and kill it with an elephant gun. H1N1 is not the same. It's like locusts that come once in a while, and thousands of them. You can try to kill them with elephant guns but it's not possible." Downgrading alert levels will also help the ministry conserve "bullets" such as the N95 masks, which are running out islandwide, for the second wave of the H1N1 virus attack. Mr Khaw said: "If your public health measures were to have effect, it must be quick. It must be over-reacting. You must not under react. But you cannot over-react forever - then you cause problem of 'cry wolf'. "Yellow is not green, the virus is still out there. The situation remains dynamic and we must continue to stay vigilant and manage this crisis nimbly." As of Wednesday, 12 people are currently in government-imposed home quarantine, the health ministry said. This includes six Singaporeans, five Mexicans and one Indonesian. Two of the five Mexicans will complete their seven days in isolation just before midnight Wednesday. Mr Khaw said that as the disease is highly contagious, the public has a very important role to play in combating it by raising standards of hygiene. He urged all Singaporeans to aspire to the Japanese standards of cleanliness and hygiene. The ministry said that if the virus mutates to become stronger, then alert levels may be revised upwards again. Mr Khaw also commended the Mexican government for reacting to the H1N1 outbreak promptly and for openly sharing data with the world. Earlier this week, the Mexican Ambassador in Singapore objected to the republic's decision to impose temporary visa requirements on Mexican passport holders. It said the move is "unnecessary" and "unjustified". The Health Ministry said Home Quarantine Orders will still apply to persons with a travel history to Mexico in the past seven days and it will closely monitor the situation before deciding whether to lift visa requirements. Under Singapore law, anyone found in breach of the quarantine order can be fined 10,000 Singapore dollars (US$6,802), jailed six months or both, for a first-time offence. - AFP/CNA/vm Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 4:47 PM
Reported By Tainted Angel
Additional Report By Sheng Tou Chi
The Influenza A (H1N1) virus, more commonly known as the swine flu virus,is a global war which will probably appear in Singapore very soon, Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan warns. As the disease is deadly and unavoidable, the country is taking serious precautions against the disease, which has no known cure yet. However, the alert level which MOH is currently using to rate the influenza, has went down from the original orange to the less 'dangerous' yellow.
The Influenza A can be mild, moderate, severe and even fatal. As it is completely new, people do not have any protection against it, and the best they can do it to try to prevent it.. Being complacent about the disease is dangerous. Despite the fact that Mexico may be miles away, the transmission rate of the virus is dangerously high, and deaths have occurred not only in Mexico, but in other countries as well. Singapore is just as prone to the disease as any other country.
The health minister also says that the disease will more likely then not infect many people at once, so even if the death percentage is small, when the number of infected people rises, so will the number of deaths.
He also states that we "should not be complacent about this". We must treat this as "a global war and we're not just bystanders, we are participants in it, and will be in battle very quickly."
Singapore is trying to prevent the disease from spreading here at all, but although the precautions will not protect Singapore entirely, it will buy us time.As long as the virus has not invaded Singapore, we must continue to try to keep it that way and make the community strategy work.
The attempt to create a vaccine to Influenza A is already in high gear. But while this disease is not in Singapore yet, we must report any symptoms of the disease, to be quarantined and tested for the disease. Do not risk your life, as well as the lives of the people around you.
As the health minister says, "Every month we can delay the flu attack, we enhance our chances of protecting Singapore."
Now we are in the Yellow Alert, we don't need anymore temperature checks in school, other places with less traffic etc. Nonetheless, it is important for us to maintain good hygiene, it cost you no harm, to wash your hands with soap. Keep your families and yourself free from the illness. Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 4:07 PM
明起采防范措施 居民见议员要先量体温
Take your temperature first for Meet-the-People sessions
03 May 2009
明起采防范措施 居民见议员要先量体温
白沙-榜鹅集选区议员张思乐表示,该区接见选民处暂时不会关闭冷气。“但基层领袖已提高警惕,一旦发现有伤风、咳嗽等症状的居民,会劝请他们回家休息,过后由基层领袖追访。” Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 6:26 PM
Local visitors are being scanned for flu symptoms.
Local visitors are being scanned for flu symptoms. Reported By: Yoko "It does not mean that it'll (The Influenza A/H1N1) definitely become a pandemic. But it's better to play safe and assume the worst, rather than hoping that the worst will never come, and when it does, it's too late to respond to it."- Health Minister, Mr Khaw Boon Wan As you readers should already know, the A/H1N1 Influenza (Formerly known as Swine flu) has already killed 80 people in Mexico, and the numbers are still increasing worldwide. Border checks are being tightened as a precaution and thermal scanners have already been deployed at the arriving halls of Terminals 1,2 and 3, the Budget Terminal, Tuas and Woodlands Checkpoints, Seletar Airport and Singapore's other entry points to screen arriving passengers. In a joint statement with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, the Health Ministry said that passengers arriving from the United States were being scanned by thermal scanners. Passengers with higher than normal temperature will be made to go through a full health assessment. This is all done for the health of Singaporeans and other passengers. The Health Ministry also says that the health checks are not non-intrusive and are unlikely to cause any delays. Flights in and out of Changi Airport should not be disrupted for this cause. Also, heath notices containing information about A/H1n1 Influenza are also being placed at immigration counters for all arriving passengers. Although no incidence of the virus has been reported, the Health Minister, Mr Khaw Boon Wan, said that it was "better to play safe". He also told reporters that with globalisation, reports of the virus spreading to the United States were a reason of concern. Since the Sars outbreak in 2003, Mr Khaw emphasised that developments in the health-care sector meant that Singapore was in a "much better" position to handle any outbreaks. "It does not mean that it'll definitely become a pandemic. But it's better to play safe and assume the worst," Mr Khaw said, "rather than hoping that the worst will never come, and when it does, it's too late to respond to it." Even with all these measures in place, a stockpile of Tamiflu and Relenza are at ready.What is Tamiflu and Relenza, you ask. They are drugs which, based on preliminary reports in Mexico and the US, has proven to react with the A/H1N1 Influenza virus. Mr Khaw added that the Health Ministry was monitoring the situation closely. He also advised the public to maintain high standards of personal hygiene and to limit the travels to affected areas such as Mexico and the US, if possible. Possibilities of restricting visitor numbers at hospitals as a precautionary measure will not be ruled out. However, Singapore General Hospital (SGH) has already stepped up on measures by way of tighter checks. Patients at SGH's Accident and Emergency department, as well as out-patient clinics, will be asked to alert staff if they have recently travelled to areas affected by the A/H1N1 Influenza. Visitors with similar travel history will also be advised not to visit patients and to seek medical attention immediately if they are feeling unwell. The health-care sector is not the only one beefing up measures against the virus. The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) is ensuring that all incoming pork products are tested for for the virus even though the virus is not spread through consumption and eating properly handled and cooked pork is safe. Although pork imports from the US contribute to 10 per cent of the total imported pork and pork products, pigs import are from AVA-accredited farms located at Pulau Bulan, near Batam in Indonesia. AVA said that surveillance testing these porks will be stepped up to ensure that they are not infected with the virus. The AVA is also in contact with its counterparts in the US, and are working closely with the Health Ministry and other authorities. Even though no pork or pork products are imported from Mexico, the Health Ministry urges all medical staffs to be on alert for any suspected human cases. Members of the public are also advised to consult a doctor if they develop symptoms of A/H1N1 Influenza within 7 days of travel to Mexico, California, Texas and Kansas. Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 6:00 PM
甲型流感迫在眉睫 各界积极防止其扩散 A/H1N1 Influenza Virus spreading Countries defending
01 May 2009
石头诗 张鑫 原声带 实况报道
这次爆发的恐怖流感虽没比2003年在亚洲爆发而夺走了数以千计的人命的沙斯(SARS) 病毒还严重。由于这流感病毒是反常的新种菌株,即由猪、禽和人的三种流感病毒组成而其的大型扩散范围也导致此病毒至今还未受到控制。
美国疾病预防与控制中心建议患者服用达菲(Tamiflu) 或瑞乐砂(Relenza) 以抵抗病毒的袭击。这些抗流感药物能制止病毒在人体内繁殖,若病患已发病,药物能使症状较受其药得以减轻不舒服的感觉。病人最好能在出现症状的两天内服药。
卫生部部长许文远指出,在这个时候服用抗流感药物会引起反效果,反而让流感疫情爆发时让流感出现抗药性。Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 5:35 PM
Report on Singapore's First Case of Influzena A (H1N1)
30 May 2009
Singapore's first case of Influenza A (H1N1)
Reported by Belizesh
The patient is currently being treated at the Communicable Disease Centre at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and is in stable condition. The 22—year—old Singaporean woman who was in New York from May 14—24 and she arrived back in Singapore from New York on SQ25 on 26 May at 6.30am.She began to develop a cough while onboard. She passed the thermal scanner uneventfully as she did not have fever then.
Later in the morning, she consulted a GP who decided to send her to TTSH via a 993 ambulance, given her travel history. She was immediately admitted for testing. Laboratory confirmation of her infection was made by midnight of 26 May.The patient has been vigilant in monitoring her own condition and had sought immediate medical attention once she realized that she was unwell.
Her attending GP, through his quick response in activating the 993 ambulance for the patient, had also helped to minimize the spread of infection from this case.The Health Ministry says it has initiated contact tracing of her close contacts. They will be quarantined and provided with antiviral prophylaxis.
Passengers who had travelled in the same flight and were seated in rows 52 to 58 are urged to call the hotline at 1800—333 9999 to enable the MOH to check on their health condition.
The MOH adds that all medical practitioners and health care institutions should continue to be vigilant to suspect cases. Singapore will continue with temperature screening for passengers entering Singapore at all checkpoints (land, sea and air). All passengers passing through or entering Singapore are given Health Alert Notices on board their flights, advising them to monitor their own health if they have been to affected areas and to seek medical attention immediately if they are not well.Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 2:10 PM
The Mystery Of 'Missing" Fingerprints
The Mystery Of "Missing" Fingerprints Reported by : Elliase Star The man, identified only as Mr. S., was detained at airport customs for four hours until puzzled Homeland Security officials were able to verify his identity by other means, according to a letter posted online in Annals of Oncology. The loss of fingerprints is part of a condition known as hand-foot syndrome -- formally palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia -- that arises in patients taking capecitabine (Xeloda), according to the man's doctor, Eng-Huat Tan, M.D., of the Singapore National Cancer Centre. The syndrome causes chronic inflammation of the palms or soles of the feet and the skin can peel, bleed and develop ulcers or blisters. "This can give rise to eradication of finger prints with time," Dr. Tan said in a statement. The syndrome appears to be relatively common among capecitabine patients. One study, published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology in 2004, found that 65% of patients in clinical trials of the drug developed hand-foot syndrome, although only about 5% had a grade 3 condition. Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 2:03 PM
WHO to re look alert system
29 May 2009
WHO to re look alert system Reported by: Yoko The World Health Organisation may alter its pandemic warning system after some countries said that raising the alert over the current Influenza A (H1N1) threat could create confusion and cause a loss of confidence. The agency will ask a group of scientists and public health officials over the next few weeks for advice on how to improve the decade-old alert system, said Dr Keiji Fukuda, WHO's assistant director- general of health security and environment. Cases worldwide have more than doubled in the pass two weeks as the virus became established in countries outside North America, where it was discovered about six weeks ago. Still, the WHO wants to see more evidence of a widespread community transmission before declaring the first influenza pandemic since 1968, Dr Fukuda said. British Health Secretary, Alan Johnson said that WHO should have the flexibility to us emerging knowledge about the H1N1 flu in deciding whether the outbreak is sufficiently serious to raise the pandemic to the highest of its six level scale. By yesterday, 48 countries had reported almost 13,500 cases, all which included 95 deaths. More cases were reported in Australia, Japan and South Korea. Singapore had reported also, its 4Th case and Bahrain reported its first case. All these numbers show how dangerous H1N1 is, and the public is strongly advised to practice good hygiene habits. Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 8:02 PM
Singapore found its FIRST A/H1N1 Influzena Case
27 May 2009
个案 (新加坡讯)我国确诊第一例甲型H1N1流感个案,病患是一名22岁的新加坡女性,5月14日-24日在纽约逗留,于5月26日早上6时30分乘坐新航班机SQ25从纽约返回新加坡,她是坐在机上第55排座位。 病患在飞机上已开始咳嗽,但因当时未出现发热症状而顺利通过了热量扫描器。之后她到普通科医生(GP)处就诊,鉴于她刚从纽约返新,医生在为她作检查后,立即拨打993热线,召救护车将她送往陈笃生医院接受检验。26日午夜,检测结果确诊其感染甲型H1N1流感。她目前在陈笃生医院传染中心接受治疗,情况稳定。
我国卫生部已在追踪与病患有密切接触的人员,并呼吁与该病患搭乘同架航班、坐在52-58排之间的乘客拨打热线1800-333 9999与卫生部联络,以便当局检查他们的健康情况,防止H1N1甲型流感扩散。
Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 6:26 PM
Education Ministry's New Plans
26 May 2009
冰慧 报道
小学将推出单元式课程与各种活动等方式让学生更容易接受、学习华文并且建更多的艺术、音乐和体育中心以让学生提升自己。教育部会与海外学校合作让更多学生获得大学的学位。教育部的新计划会使更多人更容易找工作也会让人们有更多的知识。在这些林林总总的计划下,到底会产生怎样的结果?大家就拭目以待吧! Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 4:03 PM
Imminent Jurong hospital to start hiring
Imminent Jurong hospital to start hiring Reported By Belizesh Ho Jurong's General hospital (JGH) will start recruiting even before construction for the proposed 700-bed facility starts. Over the next five years, its doctors, nurses and other staff will be working as the new team at the current Alexander Hospital (AH). They will take over gradually from the 1800-strong team now at AH-most of who will be moving to the new Khoo Teck Puat Hospital in Yishun, scheduled to open in phrases starting in March the following year. The 550-bed hospital will be completely open by September next year.
The team in Yishun will also recruiting more staff, especially for junior positions, as that hospital is more spacious than the current one in Alexandra. JGH's newly named chief executive officer at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) will move to AH next month. He will abruptly start recruiting staff to take over positions vacated by the move to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. Mr Foo is expected to take over the running of the 350-bed AH towards the end of next year from Mr Liak Teng Lit, who will head the Yishun hospital.
Mr Foo will build his team in preparation for the new hospital in Jurong East Regional Centre, scheduled to opening 201-a year earlier than the originally planned.
The exact location of the hospital has yet to be discussed, but it will be within walking distance of the MRT and bus interchange. Mr Foo has been in public health for the past 15years,first at Toa Payoh hospital and Changi General Hospital before joining SGH.
He will be assisted by Associate Professor Cheah Wei Keat, who has been appointed as chairman of the medical board for JGH. Prof. Cheah is now the head of general surgery at the national university hospital. In a addend urn to the President's address in the opening Parliament, Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan vowed:”We will facilitate integration of care services so that patients can be cared for at the most appropriate settings."
So in keeping with the other regional hospitals, JGH will have 200-bed community hospital just next door. The two hospitals will be designed for easy movement of patients between them.
Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 3:19 PM
How has the rising cost of living affected prices?
25 May 2009
How has the rising cost of living affected prices?
Reported by: Yoko
Consumers grumbling about the rising cost of living may be elated to know that the a cup of coffee or tea at most neighbourhood coffee shops have remained the same since February.
Figures from the Consumers Association of Singapore (Case), which released its second beverage price survey yesterday, show that the average price of a local coffee or tea with milk cost 80 cents while a can of Coke or Pepsi cost around $1.20.
Apart from having 151 drink stalls' responses, the second survey not only tracked the prices of a tea and coffee when compared to the first survey. It also tracked the prices of canned drinks like Pepsi, Coke and soya bean milk.
Case found that since February, fewer than 10 per cent of stalls- or eight vendors- had upped their prices for tea and coffee. Some 4 other stalls even lowered their prices by that amount.
Generally, the most expensive canned drinks were 100plus, H20 and Aisina China Apple Drink. They each had a mean price of over $1.20.
Other than prices, Case's survey also checked whether stall vendors displayed the prices of their drinks clearly. Sadly, more than half of them did not. 72 stalls did not display any sort of prices at all. While 18 others only displayed prices for kopi and teh.
And what's more, among those who displayed prices, 2 stalls charged 10 to 20 cents more than what was advertised.
Mr Chen Rong Hua, who owns two coffee shops in the east, said that many coffee shops do not display prices because "many customers are regulars and know how much their favourite beverage cost". Also, because more than 10 brands of beverages are sold, it would be very "untidy", he said.
In contrary, Mr Hong Poh Chin. the first vice-chairman of the Foochow Coffee Restaurant & Bar Merchants Association disagreed, saying that it was a matter of being fair to consumers, "so that at least they can choose whether they want to pay those prices".
The Foochow Coffee restaurant & Bar Merchants Association which represents 400 coffee shops owners, who are usually drink stalls operators, encourages its members to be upfront about their prices, Mr Chen added.
Another fact known through Case's survey was that air-conditioned foodcourts charge you up to 60 per cent more for drinks when compared to non air-conditioned foodcourts.
For the thrifty, the cheapest drinks in town are at the Kim Seng Coffee Stall, said case. A cup of coffee or tea at the stall only goes at 60 cents. While a canned drink starts at 90 cents. Now, that's what I call a bargain.
Dear readers, the editorial had made some errors in the above report and we are sorry for the inconvenience caused.Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 3:39 PM
Virtual worlds to educate real life to students
Virtual worlds to educate real life to students Reported by Ednar Tay
Some schools in Singapore have started using virtual worlds like Second Life as learning tools. Students can get a better knowledge of subjects ranging from art and married life to financial literacy.
In July 2009, lower secondary students from Ngee Ann Secondary School (NASS) will be commenting on art pieces found in gallery only in Second Life. They will be using Harvard University’s Artful Thinking syllabus, which develop the student’s art appreciation skills and their creative thinking. The school will also guide students through the issue of mercy-killing by having them to take the roles of vets and dog owners in a virtual animal clinic.
The MOE, which wants schools to “develop meaningful new ways of using technology for learning and teaching…that will lead to meaningful learning outcomes”, encourages the moves made by NASS and other schools. An MOE spokesman said that the ministry is also planning a study to explore the use of virtual worlds to improve learning and teaching.
At Innova Junior College (IJC), students will play as married couples, single people and divorcees on a future Mars colony troubled by the increasing birth rate and quarrelling over the costs and benefits of a scheme similar to the baby bonus. IJC’s infocomm technology head Tan Li Wee said that the students have limited life experience, so the exercise forces them to “experience issues from different perspectives”. Nowadays, students know very little about life, so the virtual worlds aid them in understanding and handling issues in life. Ms Tan is also hoping that they will build a better, more mature understanding of issues, and score better grades for their General Paper.
Schools like Beacon Primary and Ngee Ann Polytechnic have adopted information technology. In the meantime, the National Institute of Education’s Learning Science Lab is developing multi-online games on themes like active citizenry and national education. NASS principal Adrian Lim said that virtual worlds are a good fit for today’s students, who have grown up with the Internet. Natasha Emir, a Secondary 2 student, agrees. She said: “Many students are not that interested in art, but when they hear ‘virtual worlds’ and ‘IT’, they become more interested.” One good thing Mr Lim said about virtual worlds is that they are customisable, which gives the teacher tremendous flexibility in designing scenarios and allowing actions impossible for non-vets in reality, like putting a dog to sleep.
IJC’s Ms Tan mentioned another outcome of using virtual worlds from a teacher’s perspective: ‘because of their interactive nature, students become more involved and participate more often in classes. Natasha also said that she noticed shyer students opening up more than usual, likely because they are more comfortable using the virtual world’s online messaging system than speaking up. She said that initially, she was no fan of art, but her brush with virtual art has sparked an interest. She has since begun persuading her parents to organise family outings to visit the art galleries – real ones.
Virtual worlds are useful for students as we ourselves like computers so the virtual worlds will make students more interested and they can learn more through them. Here are 4 examples of learning in a simulated world. They are the ‘Youth Olympics Games virtual world’, ‘Financial literacy and accounting’, ‘NUS Second Life’ and ‘Statecraft X’.
Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 2:55 PM
About A(H1N1) Virus
23 May 2009
About A (H1N1) Virus Reported By Tainted Angel
Additional Report by Zhang Xin
Up to now, there are an estimated 90 deaths globally and 11050 confirmed cases in about 42 countries. Four Singaporeans are quarantined in Tibet as an Italian woman in their tour group has shown symptoms of Influenza A in a H1N1 check, a high fever. The group, which has 20 members, have been quarantined in Zhangmu, a Tibetan town near the Nepali border since Saturday. The group was supposed to be released on Tuesday after the woman's blood test result was out. However, the result did not prove negative and was sent to Beijing for more advanced testing. Channel News Asia questioned one of the Singaporeans, who was supposedly named Mr Lim. He said that he was unsure how long they would be quarantined. "A Chinese official just came by and he wanted to move us to a new hotel, but over the past few days, they kept feeding us with the wrong information, either that, or they don’t give us any information. So all of us didn’t want to move away from this hotel." he stated.
Singapore’s Foreign Ministry claims it has been in touch with the four Singaporeans and has been rendering the necessary consular assistance. No one else from the tour group has shown any symptoms of the H1N1 virus, but Ms Anna Husarskar, says that things were 'completely inefficient' as they had to "wait half a day for the ambulance to come and take them to the hotel, and another day and a half for the doctor to arrive, “China has four confirmed cases of the virus-the latest of a 59 year old man who was stopped while trying to enter a train with a fever. Japan has been hit hard-180 confirmed cases. Most of them were reported to be teenagers and children. More than 4400 schools and universities are to be closed. As the flu virus is not growing very fast in laboratories, instead of the previously estimated late this month, a vaccine will only be released at mid-July at the earliest.
In Tokyo, Japan, a 16-year-old school girl was tested to be positive for the H1N1 virus and had just come back from New York. Even the cases of the new strain of virus had risen to about 260 as of late yesterday; the Japan Health Ministry decided to stop the tight measures to quarantine those travellers from the European and affected countries, as they claimed that those measures are stressing the people. The reasons to stop those measures? The response is that they think that the death rate of the H1N1 virus aren't strong, and there was no cases of death reported there as of press time.
Up to now, there are an estimated 90 deaths globally and 11050 confirmed cases in about 42 countries.
Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 6:46 PM
Circle Line starting to operate
22 May 2009
By Sheng Tou Chi
TPW Photographs
By Charles Wong
Tay Yi Yin
The local's MRT and LRT new System map (
What can be expected from the commuters after the Circle Line (CCL) starts its operation on the 28 May? The faster service and cheaper fares are the wonderful factors that attracts the crowd's attention.
What can you expect from the faster and more "high-tech" service from the CCL? See the trial systems in the trains!
The new electronic screen in the CCL trains and other SMRT trains
New system in the East-west and North-south lines' trains
On April 10, we had reported about the CCL as "the world’s longest entirely automatic operated Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system" which is going to have its Phrase 5 stations: Bartley, Lorong Chuan, Serangoon, Bishan and Marymount "servicing the public starting from May 28 this year".
So let's look forward to this brand new transport system in Singapore! Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 9:28 PM
To All Readers
17 May 2009
The technical problem mentioned below was solved completely.
Welcome back to ThePopularwords!
Wallpaper which is on the theme of sunset would appear after a period of white background state. The information you read when you were browsing when the backgrounds are "expired" for weeks. If you met the above situation, please refresh the page.
Welcome back to ThePopularWords! It has been 2 months since we started our site and we have been trying our best to deliver everyone the latest. Recently, we changed the background of the site and much to our surprise, we discovered that the previous wallpaper which is on the theme of sunset would appear after a period of white background state. The information you read when you were browsing when the backgrounds are "expired" for weeks. If you met the above situation, please refresh the page so as to read the LATEST ISSUE OF LIFE and news.
欢迎再度回到火红的文字站!最近两个月以来,火红团队一直都全力以赴的为大家献上最新的资讯、内容。而最近,我们重新的对本站改造了一番,取得了不凡的效果。但是通常事事人难料,在我们最近的例常检查时,我们发现了一个严重的问题,要是你登录时,发现网页背景呈白色或是有日落的背景,那你阅读的统统是“过期”的内容了。于是,至此 通知,发现有上述问题时请即刻刷新网页,直到看见有狮城的夜景为止,那时你阅读的才真正是最新的内容。Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 3:43 PM
新马警方联手 我内安局情报导致逃马被捕
Singapore together with Malaysia, brought the end of the chase of the fugitive
08 May 2009
新马警方联手 我内安局情报导致逃马被捕
高健康/李伟伦 联合报道
我国内安局提供的重要情报致使“逃马”被捕获! 有消息来源向《海峡时报》透露,我国内安局向马来西亚当局提供“逃马”行踪的重要情报,促使两国保安部门展开联手行动,最终将他捕获。 据悉,新加坡当局在去年底获得一条有关“逃马”行踪的线索,在进行追查后,证实当这条线索可信度高,当局即刻将情报告知马来西亚警方,策划逮捕行动。
情报部门与逃马 三度隔海较量
2003年2月,新加坡当局向印尼提供情报,使“逃马”在印尼的行踪受到当地警方的监视。当他从廖内省的杜迈(Dumai)乘渡轮抵达民丹岛的丹戎槟榔(Tanjung Pinang)后,警方迅速行动,将他逮捕。他因触犯移民条例被判入狱18个月。
或与其他回祈团成员同时被捕 “逃马”可能是与其他几名回祈团成员同时被捕! 据《海峡时报》,“逃马”的被捕时间与其他几名涉嫌参与回祈团恐怖组织的人员差不多同时。 马国警方在3月逮捕了32岁的印尼人阿古斯沙林(Agus Salim ),又在4月1日逮捕了另外两名马来西亚人阿布马丁(Abdul Matin Anol Rahmat)和佐哈哈山(Johar Hassan)。 区域情报来源指出,“逃马”是在柔佛郊外藏匿时,于4月1日被马来西亚当局抓获,目前正被审问。
Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 5:10 PM
Reporters Check Out Hospitals
Reporters Check Out Hospitals
By Charles Wong 汪献成
贴于国大医院入口处的告示 (石头诗摄)
造访者必须填妥的表格(石头诗摄) 记者原先澄清了身份,希望可尽快通过,但还需量体温等。记者进去没多久,也步出了医院。 **OF Singapore General Hospital (SGH)
By Platinum Butterfly Obiviously, you will not get no mask, neither to not have your temperature checked and when you finally went through those procedures that you thought is troublesome, the certified item shall only an orange sticker with that day's date indicated, let's see how the reporter, me, step into the SGH.
Notice by SGH for the Influenza A (TPW PHOTO: Tay Yi Yin) All patients and visitors and patients will be screened for flu-like symptoms, muscle aches and travel history to the US.
I was stopped from entering SGH's pharmacy when my curosity rose for the cards on the display. The gerneral workers gave a mask and an orange sticker. The mask SGH's worker gave to the reporter (TPW PHOTO: Tay Yi Yin) I then went into the pharmacy. Only 2 visitors were allowed to visit those warded patients, and children below 12-year-old were not even allowed to visit anyone in SGH. This, is what the hospitals do but they might allow only one visitor to each patient if the Influenza gets more difficult to handle. Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 1:36 PM
Singapore prepares for Influenza's outbreaks though in Yellow Alert.
Singapore prepares for Influenza's outbreaks though in Yellow Alert.
Reported By Platinum Butterfly Additional Report By Corporative Editor Zhang Xin During the crisis, all local hospitals had prepared for any emergency even the alert level is in Yellow state. Posters were pasted on walls to tell patients to inform staff if they had been to Mexico, USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand or Israel and other 'infected' countries in the past few days. The number of deaths in Mexico is still rising and one case of death is also reported in America. The A(H1N1) Influenza although is a new virus with presently no cure, it holds more danger than the SARS outbrek in Singapore and killed 33 people during 2003. The symptoms, however, is showed after 7 days the virus had started spreading, later than the infection period of SARS. In SARS, a person becomes infectious after a few days of having fever. Influenza A(H1N1) is spread without any symptoms, making it 10 times worse than SARS. Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology is rushing to make a test kit for the virus. On the other hand, travel agencies are cancelling trips to the US.
Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 1:08 PM
Singapore to lower flu alert to yellow over next five days
07 May 2009
Singapore to lower flu alert to yellow over next five days
SINGAPORE - Singapore said Wednesday it would likely lower its alert level for swine flu next week, as the new strain of the virus appeared milder than originally feared. Authorities, however, will maintain temperature checks at the city-state's airport, sea ports and land border, the health ministry said in a statement. Passengers who had travelled to Mexico - the epicentre of the current flu outbreak - within seven days prior to their arrival in Singapore would still be placed under quarantine, it said. Screenings for flu-like symptoms at offices, schools, buildings and events will be lifted. If the situation remains the same, the alert level will be downgraded to "yellow" - the third in a five-step system - by Monday from the current "orange", the ministry said. "The new strain of influenza A(H1N1) seems milder than originally feared and appears to be more like seasonal flu," the ministry said. "However, as the situation is still evolving, we would need to constantly review and adjust our responses and be prepared to deal with the changing threat." The easing of measures is aimed at conserving resources and avoiding "flu fatigue", said Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan at a news conference on Wednesday. "We should shift to a sustainable level of flu precaution," he told reporters. He added: "SARS was not very infectious but deadly. It's like a big elephant. It is easier to spot and when you spot one, you try to shoot it and kill it with an elephant gun. H1N1 is not the same. It's like locusts that come once in a while, and thousands of them. You can try to kill them with elephant guns but it's not possible." Downgrading alert levels will also help the ministry conserve "bullets" such as the N95 masks, which are running out islandwide, for the second wave of the H1N1 virus attack. Mr Khaw said: "If your public health measures were to have effect, it must be quick. It must be over-reacting. You must not under react. But you cannot over-react forever - then you cause problem of 'cry wolf'. "Yellow is not green, the virus is still out there. The situation remains dynamic and we must continue to stay vigilant and manage this crisis nimbly." As of Wednesday, 12 people are currently in government-imposed home quarantine, the health ministry said. This includes six Singaporeans, five Mexicans and one Indonesian. Two of the five Mexicans will complete their seven days in isolation just before midnight Wednesday. Mr Khaw said that as the disease is highly contagious, the public has a very important role to play in combating it by raising standards of hygiene. He urged all Singaporeans to aspire to the Japanese standards of cleanliness and hygiene. The ministry said that if the virus mutates to become stronger, then alert levels may be revised upwards again. Mr Khaw also commended the Mexican government for reacting to the H1N1 outbreak promptly and for openly sharing data with the world. Earlier this week, the Mexican Ambassador in Singapore objected to the republic's decision to impose temporary visa requirements on Mexican passport holders. It said the move is "unnecessary" and "unjustified". The Health Ministry said Home Quarantine Orders will still apply to persons with a travel history to Mexico in the past seven days and it will closely monitor the situation before deciding whether to lift visa requirements. Under Singapore law, anyone found in breach of the quarantine order can be fined 10,000 Singapore dollars (US$6,802), jailed six months or both, for a first-time offence. - AFP/CNA/vm Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 4:47 PM
Reported By Tainted Angel
Additional Report By Sheng Tou Chi
The Influenza A (H1N1) virus, more commonly known as the swine flu virus,is a global war which will probably appear in Singapore very soon, Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan warns. As the disease is deadly and unavoidable, the country is taking serious precautions against the disease, which has no known cure yet. However, the alert level which MOH is currently using to rate the influenza, has went down from the original orange to the less 'dangerous' yellow.
The Influenza A can be mild, moderate, severe and even fatal. As it is completely new, people do not have any protection against it, and the best they can do it to try to prevent it.. Being complacent about the disease is dangerous. Despite the fact that Mexico may be miles away, the transmission rate of the virus is dangerously high, and deaths have occurred not only in Mexico, but in other countries as well. Singapore is just as prone to the disease as any other country.
The health minister also says that the disease will more likely then not infect many people at once, so even if the death percentage is small, when the number of infected people rises, so will the number of deaths.
He also states that we "should not be complacent about this". We must treat this as "a global war and we're not just bystanders, we are participants in it, and will be in battle very quickly."
Singapore is trying to prevent the disease from spreading here at all, but although the precautions will not protect Singapore entirely, it will buy us time.As long as the virus has not invaded Singapore, we must continue to try to keep it that way and make the community strategy work.
The attempt to create a vaccine to Influenza A is already in high gear. But while this disease is not in Singapore yet, we must report any symptoms of the disease, to be quarantined and tested for the disease. Do not risk your life, as well as the lives of the people around you.
As the health minister says, "Every month we can delay the flu attack, we enhance our chances of protecting Singapore."
Now we are in the Yellow Alert, we don't need anymore temperature checks in school, other places with less traffic etc. Nonetheless, it is important for us to maintain good hygiene, it cost you no harm, to wash your hands with soap. Keep your families and yourself free from the illness. Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 4:07 PM
明起采防范措施 居民见议员要先量体温
Take your temperature first for Meet-the-People sessions
03 May 2009
明起采防范措施 居民见议员要先量体温
白沙-榜鹅集选区议员张思乐表示,该区接见选民处暂时不会关闭冷气。“但基层领袖已提高警惕,一旦发现有伤风、咳嗽等症状的居民,会劝请他们回家休息,过后由基层领袖追访。” Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 6:26 PM
Local visitors are being scanned for flu symptoms.
Local visitors are being scanned for flu symptoms. Reported By: Yoko "It does not mean that it'll (The Influenza A/H1N1) definitely become a pandemic. But it's better to play safe and assume the worst, rather than hoping that the worst will never come, and when it does, it's too late to respond to it."- Health Minister, Mr Khaw Boon Wan As you readers should already know, the A/H1N1 Influenza (Formerly known as Swine flu) has already killed 80 people in Mexico, and the numbers are still increasing worldwide. Border checks are being tightened as a precaution and thermal scanners have already been deployed at the arriving halls of Terminals 1,2 and 3, the Budget Terminal, Tuas and Woodlands Checkpoints, Seletar Airport and Singapore's other entry points to screen arriving passengers. In a joint statement with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, the Health Ministry said that passengers arriving from the United States were being scanned by thermal scanners. Passengers with higher than normal temperature will be made to go through a full health assessment. This is all done for the health of Singaporeans and other passengers. The Health Ministry also says that the health checks are not non-intrusive and are unlikely to cause any delays. Flights in and out of Changi Airport should not be disrupted for this cause. Also, heath notices containing information about A/H1n1 Influenza are also being placed at immigration counters for all arriving passengers. Although no incidence of the virus has been reported, the Health Minister, Mr Khaw Boon Wan, said that it was "better to play safe". He also told reporters that with globalisation, reports of the virus spreading to the United States were a reason of concern. Since the Sars outbreak in 2003, Mr Khaw emphasised that developments in the health-care sector meant that Singapore was in a "much better" position to handle any outbreaks. "It does not mean that it'll definitely become a pandemic. But it's better to play safe and assume the worst," Mr Khaw said, "rather than hoping that the worst will never come, and when it does, it's too late to respond to it." Even with all these measures in place, a stockpile of Tamiflu and Relenza are at ready.What is Tamiflu and Relenza, you ask. They are drugs which, based on preliminary reports in Mexico and the US, has proven to react with the A/H1N1 Influenza virus. Mr Khaw added that the Health Ministry was monitoring the situation closely. He also advised the public to maintain high standards of personal hygiene and to limit the travels to affected areas such as Mexico and the US, if possible. Possibilities of restricting visitor numbers at hospitals as a precautionary measure will not be ruled out. However, Singapore General Hospital (SGH) has already stepped up on measures by way of tighter checks. Patients at SGH's Accident and Emergency department, as well as out-patient clinics, will be asked to alert staff if they have recently travelled to areas affected by the A/H1N1 Influenza. Visitors with similar travel history will also be advised not to visit patients and to seek medical attention immediately if they are feeling unwell. The health-care sector is not the only one beefing up measures against the virus. The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) is ensuring that all incoming pork products are tested for for the virus even though the virus is not spread through consumption and eating properly handled and cooked pork is safe. Although pork imports from the US contribute to 10 per cent of the total imported pork and pork products, pigs import are from AVA-accredited farms located at Pulau Bulan, near Batam in Indonesia. AVA said that surveillance testing these porks will be stepped up to ensure that they are not infected with the virus. The AVA is also in contact with its counterparts in the US, and are working closely with the Health Ministry and other authorities. Even though no pork or pork products are imported from Mexico, the Health Ministry urges all medical staffs to be on alert for any suspected human cases. Members of the public are also advised to consult a doctor if they develop symptoms of A/H1N1 Influenza within 7 days of travel to Mexico, California, Texas and Kansas. Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 6:00 PM
甲型流感迫在眉睫 各界积极防止其扩散 A/H1N1 Influenza Virus spreading Countries defending
01 May 2009
石头诗 张鑫 原声带 实况报道
这次爆发的恐怖流感虽没比2003年在亚洲爆发而夺走了数以千计的人命的沙斯(SARS) 病毒还严重。由于这流感病毒是反常的新种菌株,即由猪、禽和人的三种流感病毒组成而其的大型扩散范围也导致此病毒至今还未受到控制。
美国疾病预防与控制中心建议患者服用达菲(Tamiflu) 或瑞乐砂(Relenza) 以抵抗病毒的袭击。这些抗流感药物能制止病毒在人体内繁殖,若病患已发病,药物能使症状较受其药得以减轻不舒服的感觉。病人最好能在出现症状的两天内服药。
卫生部部长许文远指出,在这个时候服用抗流感药物会引起反效果,反而让流感疫情爆发时让流感出现抗药性。Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 5:35 PM
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