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Asia moves to keep deadly strain out 亚洲尽力防毒
30 April 2009



Reported By: Yoko

Asia, a continent who has been battling H5N1 and Sars over the years has just been faced with a new challenge- Swine flu. Swine flu has killed over 80 people and Asia is taking measures to guard against the deadly disease.

The new multi-strain swine flu appears to have hit New Zealand, where 10 students appeared with influenza symptoms after returning from Mexico. The health authorities said that those cases are probably the first suspected cases in the Asian-Pacific region.

The cases highlight the potential role that air travel can play in spreading Swine flu. So what measures have the governments across Asia-Pacific taken? They have stepped up checks at the air and sea ports and urged the public to be on guard for symptoms of swine flu.

In Japan, airports tightened checks on arrivals Mexico with quarantine officials using thermography imaging cameras to screen passengers for signs of fever.

Prime Minister Taro Aso told reporters," Japan must prevent this from spreading in the country.".

The farm ministry had reportedly instructed animal quarantine officers to examine imported live pigs but was not checking imported pork as cooking kills the virus.

In Indonesia, the most number of human deaths by the H5N1 virus has been seen. All air and sea ports have activated surveillance system. Indonesia's health ministry has asked health officers throughout the country to be on full alert for swine flu. Foreign visitors from affected country also have been monitored very closely for health measures.

China and Hong Kong, who bore the brunt for the outbreak of Sars in 2003, have pledged to strengthen communication with the World Health Organisation, United States and Mexico. In addition to that, China has asked experts to analyse the swine virus. While Hong Kong has increased surveillance measures at boundary control points and have advised residents to not make unnecessary travels to places with occurring swine flu outbreaks.

Malaysia is also doing its part. Its health ministry has begun screening passengers travelling to and from Mexico at all border points. Also, the veterinary departments has met the Pig Farmers Association and briefed the health ministry on the matter.

And all this has been done by Asia-Pacific in hopes of keeping swine flu at bay


TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 7:29 PM

Starhub being chosen among bidders

26 April 2009

Starhub's been chosen among the other bidders

Reported By: Yoko 小燕子 and

Keith Lim 原声带

On 3 April, Starhub was officially announced the operating company of Singapore's upcoming broadband network. This decision was also corresponding to the Government's new project on the local's future technology development, Singapore 2015(i2015) project. The network will be installed by Starhub and it will allow data traffic to be directed island-widely.

The new fibre-optic network will be 10 times faster than the present network, which is run by Singtel and Starhub both Singapore's main network operators. Regarding the expected finishing time of the installation, it was made clear that it would be around 2012, even before the year 2015. The OpenNet group would also be laying the cables while Starhub will install the equipment to write it.

The IDA Chairman Yong Ying-I said that even though Starhub's rivals, SingTel, M1 and IntelliNet put in a good bid, Starhub stood out for the competitiveness of the price of its wholesale offering. As those mentioned bids were highly-confidential, Ms Yong declined for elaboration.

Singapore's second largest telco, Starhub, will be putting in its own money of $750 million into the project of a contract period of 25-year.

While the residential lines will be charged $21 per month for 100 Mbps, business users will be charged at $75 monthly and IDA's target, to meet a target of 330,000 residential users and 80,000 business users by 2015.

(Some information from TST's 4 April 2009 report)


TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 3:15 PM

失足跌入地铁轨道 女子及时被救起

One lady fell into the tracks and was luckily saved
17 April 2009





王全府 张若芳



而昨天早上9时09分左右在卡迪(Khatib) 地铁站等候地铁时不慎跌入了轨道,当时列车正要进站,幸亏两名男子反应快,立刻将女子拉上月台才避免另一起悲剧发生。







SMRT劝请搭客若在月台或乘坐地铁时感觉不适,应该使用紧急联络钮向地铁站里的 职员求助以避免意外发生。SMRT也希望搭客在列车未停止前站在黄线后面已确保自身及其他搭客的安全。


TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 1:01 PM

The local's transportation 本地交通业
10 April 2009



The local




Translated by 王全府

The world’s longest entirely automatic operated Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system-the Circle Line, is going to have its Phrase 5 stations: Bartley, Lorong Chuan, Serangoon, Bishan and Marymount servicing the public starting from May 28 this year. Our journalist has summed up the entire local’s transportation concerned here from the start of this year.

On the 24th March, a 71 year old woman fainted and fell into the railway at the platform that heads towards Jurong. She was knocked down by an arrived train and died.

The platform glass pane doors can ensure the passengers’ safety with its 1.5metres height and are all estimated to be installed by 2012. The Land Transport and Authority (LTA) had already done the designing of the glass pane doors of Tampines, Pasir Ris and Jurong East MRT stations. Even though the designing is done, the installation work has not take place at the 3 stations but will approximately finish by May this year. Moreover, the remaining 33 stations will also get the glass pane doors installed before or in 2012, say LTA.

For the recent public transport fares’ decrease, Mr Raymond Lim, Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs have pointed out that by taking the decrease for only 2cents is a misleading thesis. The operators can increase the fares by 5% or 6 to 7cents. However, they had gave up the rise and led all the passengers to receive a 2cents’ deduction of the public transport fares.

Singapore’s transportation has been going on to a new chapter. We can be ensured that the transportation operators will bring the service to a higher peak together with the government.


TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 10:00 PM