总结 Conclusion for TPWSG
30 April 2011
It had long past our 2 years old (although it's dead). So as our 'birthday' , it is declared that we're officially dead nd we shall remain like this FOREVER!
However, please, do not advertise or post malicious links at our chat box as it breaks the peace here. Let the time pause at TPWSG and feel free to roam in the 2009 world!
The Popular Words Singapore
Chief Editor
Sheng Tou Chi.
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 11:18 PM
Morakot Typhoon in Taiwan 台湾莫拉克台风
21 August 2009
Reported By
Tainted Angel
Taipei, on the 12th of August, experienced an extremely heavy afternoon thunderstorm. The hardest hit areas were Yunghe & Banciao. Both received over 100mm of rain in just one hour. Yunghe, Banciao and other areas around Taipei experienced flooding.
The afternoon thunderstorms preceded by daytime sunshine are the standard pattern for summertime weather in Taiwan. 100mm in an hour for such storms were conceded "rare" by meteorologists. Another storm is forecasted for Taipei on Thursday afternoon August 13th, possibly just as heavy.
Typhoon Morakot brought record levels of rain. During Saturday, August 8th and Sunday, August 9th, rainfall rates in the south was as high as 100mm / hour. Some areas of Ping Tung county received more rain over Saturday, August 8th and Sunday, August 9th as they normally get in a whole year.
The main culprit behind the record high rain levels has been the slow speed of the system. Moving at of 10 km / hr or slower, often looping backwards or entirely stationary.
The storm was downgraded to a Tropical Depression at 11am on Saturday, August 8th.
The highest winds occurred at Hualien County - 83-92 mph/ 72-80 kph. Highest urban winds were in Hualien City 55-63mph / 48-55kph. Taipei city saw gusts of 55-63mph / 48-55kph wind during the morning of Friday, August 7th.
The storm made landfall - eye of the storm reaches land – at 11:50pm Friday, August 7th. The center is still over the island and is expected to be off Taiwan by 2pm Saturday, August 8th.
Radius of storm arrived on Taiwan at 5am Friday, August 7th.
Taipei's Mass Rapid Transit System ran throughout the weekend, though with fewer trains during the wettest parts of the storm.
Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 1:24 PM
Second Report on Eclipse
08 August 2009
Reported By Platinum Butterfly and Horizon Sim
From around 8.41a.m. to 9.44a.m. that morning, 22 July 2009, the longest eclipse ever in the century, lasting 6 minutes, was observed. A complete eclipse in rare and the next complete eclipse is predicted to be happening in 2132.
In India, the eclipse started at 0620 and the whole sky is darkened. An old man was stepped to death duem to the bad weather and large crowd. Many Indians went there for religious purposes.Moreover, a company in India launched an idea of "near observing eclipse in the sky" with the airplane flying up on the sky at around 0800 that day.
In the another country, China, the whole city went dark and lights were all lit up and the sun was covered by the moon for 6 minutes and 39 seconds. The scene was amazing with a crowd removing their sunglasses when the sun is completely missing. In the past, Chinese used to believe that the sun was ate by the dog and it is a bad omen, but it has been proven it wrong.
For the rain in the morning and black clouds, Singapore cannot observe any signs of eclipse, not as some scientists' hypothesis saying "10% of the sun can be seen blacked out".Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 5:23 PM
日全食报道 Report on Eclipse.
日全食,又作日蚀,是一种天文现象,只在月球运行至太阳与地球之间时发生。这时,对地球上的部分地区来说,月球位于地球前方,因此来自太阳的部分或全部光线被挡住,因此看起来好像是太阳的一部分或全部消失了。日食只在朔,即月球与太阳呈现合的状态时发生。 古时,人类缺乏天文学知识,以为日食是肇因于天狗食日,或象征灾难的降临,而在日食时举行仪式。但在现代社会中,日食的这层意义已逐渐为人们所抛弃。
这一次日全食发生于2009年7月22日,而下一次的日全食将会于2039年发生。 日食和月食的“季节”。日食一定发生在朔,即农历初一当日。此时月球位于地球和太阳之间,但因太阳轨道(黄道)与月球轨道(白道)成5°9交角,故并非每次朔日皆有日食发生,而日食发生时,日月两者皆一定在“黄白交点”(升交点或降交点)附近。 日、月食的发生必须是新月和满月出现在黄白交点的一定界限之内,这个界限就叫做“食限”。计算表明,对日食而言,如果新月在黄道和白道的交点附近18度左右的范围内,就可能发生日食;如果新月在黄道和白道的交点附近16度左右的范围内,则一定有日食发生。 对月食而言,如果望月在黄道和白道的交点附近12度左右的范围内,就可能发生月食;如果望月在黄道和白道的交点附近10度左右的范围内,则一定有月食发生。 由于黄道和白道的交点有两个,这两个交点相距180度,所以一年之中有两段时间可能发生日食和月食,这两段时间都称为“食季”,它们相距半年。 太阳每天在黄道上向东移动约1度,由于日食的食限为18度左右的范围,太阳从黄道和白道交点以西的18度运行到黄道和白道交点以东的18度,大约需要36天,也就是说日食的每一个食季为36天。对于月食而言,它的食限为12度左右,因此月食的每一个食季就只有24天。 一年之中有几次 日食的一个食季是36天,这个天数比一个朔望月的平均长度29.53还要长。因此在一个日食的食季内必定会发生一次日食,也可能发生两次日食。一年之中有两个日食食季,所以在一年之内至少有两次日食发生,也可能有四次日食发生(如果每个食季中都包含两个朔日的话)。 日全食
月食的一个食季为24天,这个天数比一个朔望月的平均天数29.53天还要短。因此在月食的一个食季内可能包含一个望月,也可能没有望月在内,也就是说,在这个食季内可能有一次月食发生,也可能连一次月食也不会发生。一年之中月食的食季也是有两个;”所以在一年之中,可能有两次月食发生,也可能连一次月食也不会发生。 一年之中,日、月食的次数最多时可以达到六次,即四次日食和两次月食.但是实际上有时候一年之中的日、月食次数可以多达七次,即五次日食和两次月食,或者是四次日食和三次月食。如1935年就曾发生过五次日食和两次月食,将来的2160年也会是这样;1917年和1982年就曾发生过四次日食和三次月食。那么,为什么一年之内的日、月食会多达七次呢? 这是由于在太阳的引力作用下,黄道和白道的交点会不断地沿着黄道从东向西移动,每年约移动20度,这个方向与太阳沿黄道运行的方向相反,因此太阳在黄道上连续两次通过同一交点所经历的时间间隔(这个间隔叫“食年”)比一年(365.2422天)要短,只有346.62天,要约少19天。这样就会产生两种情况:一种情况是一年365.2422天之内,包含了两个完整的食季和一个不完整的食季。比方说第一个食季开始1月初,那么经过346.62天一个食年之后,第三个食季就会在同一年的12月中旬开始,在这种情况下就可能发生五次日食和两次月食;另一种情况是一年365.2422天之内,包含了两个不完整的食季(一个在年头,一个在年尾)和一个完整的食季,在这种情况下就可能发生四次日食和三次月食。 并不是所有的日食现象都能称作日全食,其中全环食最容易被误认作日全食: 日偏食:中国史书上称“日有食之,不尽如勾”,造成日偏食的原因是因为观测者落在月球的半影区中,观测者会看见一部分的太阳被月球的阴影遮盖,但另一部分仍继续发光。太阳和月球只有部分重合,依据两者中心的视距离远近(太阳被月球遮盖的最大直径)来衡量食的大小。通常日偏食是伴随着其他食相发生,如日全食。但某些日食只可能是日偏食(不伴随其他食相),因为月球与地球的距离太远,只有半影碰到地球表面。 日环食:当月球处于远地点时,月球的本影锥不能到达地球;到达地球的是由本影锥延长出的伪本影锥。此时月球的视直径略小于太阳。因此,这时太阳边缘的光球仍可见,形成一环绕在月球阴影周围的亮环。(在环食区之外,所见的食相是偏食) 全环食:全环食只发生在地球表面与月球本影尖端非常接近,或月球与地球表面的距离和月本影的长度很接近的情形下。由于地球为球体之关系,而本影影锥接触地球时为日全食(常为在食带中间),在食带两端由于影锥未能接触地球,致只能有伪本影到达地球之下,所看到的是日环食。所以,当全环食发生时,随着地月之间的相对运动,会先后出现环食→全食→环食。全环食发生机率甚少,最近的一次在2005年4月8日。 一年中日、月食可能发生的次数归纳 一年中日、月食最少有两次,而且这两次都是日食; 一年中可能一次月食都不会发生(如1980年); 一年中日、月食最多可以有七次:五次日食和两次月食(例如1935年),或者是四次日食和三次月食(例如1917年和 1982年)。 一般说来,最常见的情况是一年中有四次日、月食:两次日食和两次月食。 上面这些情况只是对全地球来说的。至于对地球的某个地点而言,一年内能看到日、月食的机会就要少得多。 另外,从上面的数字来看,一年中日食发生的次数比月食发生的次数多,但实际上人们却往往看到月食的次数比看到日食的次数多。这是由于月食发生时,背着太阳的那半个地球上的人都可以看到;而在日食发生时,月亮的影锥只扫过地球上一个狭窄的地带,只有在这部分地区的人才能看到日食。1961年3月2日夜里发生的月食,在我国、整个亚洲以及欧洲地区都可以看到。而1968年9月22日发生的日全食,在我国只有新疆的部分地区可以看到全食,在北京只能看到日偏食,而在上海,什么也看不到。 日食和月食的周期性 由于地球绕太阳和月亮绕地球的公转运动都有一定的规律,因此日食和月食的发生也具有其循环的周期性。 早在古代,巴比伦人根据对日食和月食的长期统计,发现了日食和月食的发生有一个223个朔望月的周期。这个223个朔望月的周期便被称为“沙罗周期”,“沙罗”就是重复的意思。 223个朔望月等于6585.3天(223×29.530588),即18年零11.3天,如果在这段时间内有5个闰年,那就是18年零10.3天。在这段时间内,太阳、月亮和黄白交点的相对位置在经常改变着,而经过一个沙罗周期之后,太阳、月亮和黄白交点差不多又回到原来相对的位置,因此便会出现同上一次情况相类似的日、月食,但见食的地点会有所变化,这里就不再细述了。 在我国汉代也发现日、月食具有一个135个朔望月的周期。135个朔望月等于3986.6天,约等于11年少31天,也就是说日、月食每过11年少31天重复发生一次。这个循环周期记载在汉代的“三统历”中,因此也称为“三统历周期”。 此外,人们还发现日、月食还有其他的循环周期。比如以358个朔望月为周期的纽康周期(合29年少20日),以235个朔望月为周期的米顿周期(合19年)等等,但这些周期都是非常粗略的,只能粗略地推算出日、月食发生的日期,并不能确定日、月食发生的准确时刻,食分的大小和见食的地区。准确的日、月食发生的时间以及交食情况,需要经过专门的严格推算,这已经是属于相当专门的历书天文学中“食论”的研究范围了。我国紫金山天文台就担负着日、月食预报的工作。 日全食基本知识 一次日全食的过程可以包括以下五个时期:初亏、食既、食甚、生光、复圆。
初亏由于月亮自西向东绕地球运转,所以日食总是在太阳圆面的西边缘开始的。当月亮的东边缘刚接触到太阳圆面的瞬间(即月面的东边缘与日面的西边缘相外切的时刻),称为初亏。初亏也就是日食过程开始的时刻。 食既从初亏开始,就是偏食阶段了。月亮继续往东运行,太阳圆面被月亮遮掩的部分逐渐增大,阳光的强度与热度显著下降。当月面的东边缘与日面的东边缘相内切时,称为食既。此时整个太阳圆面被遮住,因此,食既也就是日全食开始的时刻。 1 .日食发生规律
每年日食最多出现5次,如果出现5次,那么一定都是偏食。地球上每年至少有2次日食。在南北极地区只能看到日偏食。日全食大约1年半发生一次。每次日食都是在日出时从某一点开始,然后沿着日食带在日没时结束。从开始点到结束点大约绕地球半圈。日食一定发生在朔,即农历初一当日。此时月球位于地球和太阳之间,但因太阳轨道(黄道)与月球轨道(白道)成5°9′交角,故并非每次朔日皆有日食发生,而日食发生时,日月两者皆一定在“黄白交点”(升交点或降交点)附近发生。 2 .沙罗周期
同样的日食(全食、环食和偏食)每18年零11天或者6,585.32天(沙罗周期)会发生一次,但能观测得到的地区并不一样,只是日食时间一样而已,并且日食类型也不一定一样。因为沙罗周期的长度是6,585.32天,并不是整数,所以,如果在地球同一个地点再出现一次日食(并不一定是同一类型日食),要等待3个沙罗期。在每次日食发生后的三分之一个沙罗周期会发生下一次日食,在3个沙罗期大约54年零33天之后,日食会在同一个地区重新出现。现在有12个不同的大沙罗周期出现,一个出现在1937,1955,1973,1991和2009(中国长江流域、武汉、杭州)的连续的大约7.5分钟的日食。 3. 日食带即月球影子
日食带(月球影子)在赤道地区每小时移动约1,100英里,两极则达到每小时5,000英里。最宽的日全食带为167英里。在日全食经过的地区,可以看到偏食的范围最高达3,000英里。日全食带一般经过的地区是在海洋或荒无人烟的地方。 4 .日食原理
发生日全食是因为太阳靠近月球轨道与地球轨道的一个交点,而同时月球在距此点的最近的点上。发生日环食是因为太阳靠近月球轨道与地球轨道的的一个交点,而同时月球在距此点的最远的点上。 日全食的意义价值 日全食之所以受重视,更主要的原因是它的天文观测价值巨大。科学史上有许多重大的天文学和物理学发现是利用日全食的机会做出的,而且只有通过这种机会才行。最著名的例子是1919年的 一次日全食,证实了爱因斯坦广义相对论的正确性。爱因斯坦1915年发表了在当时看来是极其难懂、也极 其难以置信的广义相对论,这种理论预言光线在巨大的引力场中会拐弯。人类能接触到的最强的引力 场就是太阳,可是太阳本身发出很强的光,远处的微弱星光在经过太阳附近时是不是拐弯了,根本看不出来。但如果发生日全食,挡住太阳光,就可以测量出来光线拐没拐弯、拐了多大的弯。机会在1919年出现 了,但全食带在南大西洋上,很遥远,也很艰苦。英国天文学家爱丁顿带着一支热情和好奇心极强的观测 队出发了。观测结果与爱因斯坦事先计算的结果十分吻合,从此相对论得到世人的承认。 在中国,前两次日全食都只能在边远地区看到。一次是在1980年,只有中缅边境云南瑞丽地区可见,另一次是在1997年春节之后,在中俄边境、中国的最北端漠河可见。那次笔者是奉了报社之命前去采访的,同时也了却自己少年时的梦想。那次的观测规模之大,出乎想象,世界各国的天文学家和天 文爱好者,把个平时人迹罕至的北疆小镇挤得比过年还热闹,由于人数大大超出小镇的接待能力,人们只能宿营在火车和汽车上。当时那里还是冬天,白天气温零下25摄氏度左右,夜里能到零下40摄氏度,滴水 成冰,人们连洗脸漱口的水都找不到。尽管如此,观测者们没有一个后悔的,没有一个不兴奋异常的,都 把亲眼看到日全食,当成人生中不可多得的珍贵记忆。日全食之类的天文现象,要说与人们的日常生活、 吃喝拉撒,确实是没有什么直接关系。但是,它代表了一种终极的人文关怀,代表了一种对大自然的极度 热爱,代表了对支配万事万物的自然铁律的一种永恒的好奇和敬畏,一个国家、一个民族,不能缺少这些。Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 5:14 PM
13 July 2009
We are happy to inform you that we are going to close down the website, ThePopularWords, for few weeks and will be back to you readers shortly after our re-construction to the site. Thank you for supporting us!
我们很高兴的向各读者宣布,本站将在即日起暂时关闭以进行维修工作。请各读者放心,我们将在几个星期后重新运作,为大家服务。感谢各位的支持!Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 8:58 PM
True Hearts Charity Show
01 July 2009
True Hearts Charity Show
Reported By: Yoko
The True Hearts Charity Show, which was held on 7th of June, was a great success. It started off with a hyped kung fu performance with a few actors and lots of kids that had trained for the show for a long time. Ling Yi Jie came in next and mesmerised the crowd with a classical song. Her voice was accompanied with a guzheng-like instrument.
A shock:
Ling Yi Jie suddenly changed her wardrobe just as the genre of the song changed from classical to hard rock which took me by surprise. Nice twist to the classical song. Her jet black dress looked splendid on her.
Following that, the band Hong Mao Pai performed, for the first time on the charity show, another classical song with a hard rock twist. Personally didn't like their voices. However, I loved their wardrobe and the song they sung had a nice tune.
Ou Xuan went on stage next. Performing in a pearl white dress which complemented her skin tone, her modern ballet piece was very well choreographed. She had a beautiful duet with Melody, a sufferer of down syndrome. They were in perfect harmony and their performance was brilliant. Even the wardrobe was well-put.
Next up, two pianists serenade the crowd with a marvelous piano pieces. The pieces were beautifully played even though one of the pianists was deaf while the other was blind.
I think this would have to be the moment when the crowd went totally wild- Show Luo's appearance on stage. An energetic cheography with a wardrobe done to utmost perfection. To top his performance, he even donated S$100,000. A generous donation on his part. Wearing a white top, paired with a pair of black jeans and a scarf-like tie, he performed 2 songs that night. He made the crowd go wild and screams of his fans could be heard, probably due to how suave and cool he looked that night.
Subsequently, the art exhibition, that a number of physically challenged children and young adults had been working on, was revealed. Even though they were physically challenged, their works were simply marvellous.
After the amazing art exhibit that was revealed, the final performance of the night comenced. And it was a big drum performance! In a sense, it was immpressive and was filled with rhythm and power. The wardrobe was strong in colour using black, gold and red as base colour.
The show was a great success and a grand total of S$3,303,035 was generated throughout the 3 hours show that very night.Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 3:13 PM
He had suffered a heart attack
He had suffered a heart attack
Reported By Elliase Star
A man died after he fell forward and hit the cabin of the MRT train when the train reached Bukit Batok station. He collapsed on the ground and injured his spine. The man suffered heart attack before the accident and had hypertension. That made his death "not natural”. A witness saw Mr Chua "wobbling" on the platform because he was unwell but no assistance was given to him. The deceased appeared to have hit his head against the side of the cabin before he collapsed. He was announced to be dead after the ambulance came at 6.13a.m. Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 2:59 PM
Climate threatens farmlands 气候变化威胁农地
28 June 2009
Climate threatens farmlands Reported By: Yoko Climate change could cost the African continent more farmland than the United States uses to plant its eight major field crops combined, according to a study published in the June issue of Environmental Science and Policy. Farming on up to 1 million square kilometres (247 million acres) of land in Africa could subside by 2050 as climate change makes areas too hot and dry for growing crops, the study said. The latest US Agriculture Department data puts plantings of the eight major US field crops combined at 246 million acres for the coming year. Though unsuitable for crops, the land could still sustain livestock, which are more tolerant to heat and drought, researchers from the Nairobi-based International Livestock Research Institute and the United Kingdom's Waen Associates found. Boosting livestock production could provide the 20 million to 35 million people living in these areas with a means to stay on their land and make an income, researchers said. Carlos Sere, the Institute's director general, noted that the addition of livestock would have to be done sustainably. But changing weather conditions and increasing demand for meat will make the addition inevitable, he said. The study pinpointed areas in Africa where small farmers would be best served by transitioning more of their enterprise to livestock than crops. But much remains unknown about local impacts of climate change as current climate science and models today are best suited for regional studies, the researchers said. Investment to improve the accuracy of climate models could help groups determine the communities most at risk from global warming, the researchers said. Identifying areas at risk could help governments and aid groups limit poor farmers' need to abandon agriculture by developing policy and agendas that mitigate climate change. Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 9:33 PM
Report on Singapore's First Case of Influzena A (H1N1)
30 May 2009
Singapore's first case of Influenza A (H1N1)
Reported by Belizesh
The patient is currently being treated at the Communicable Disease Centre at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and is in stable condition. The 22—year—old Singaporean woman who was in New York from May 14—24 and she arrived back in Singapore from New York on SQ25 on 26 May at 6.30am.She began to develop a cough while onboard. She passed the thermal scanner uneventfully as she did not have fever then.
Later in the morning, she consulted a GP who decided to send her to TTSH via a 993 ambulance, given her travel history. She was immediately admitted for testing. Laboratory confirmation of her infection was made by midnight of 26 May.The patient has been vigilant in monitoring her own condition and had sought immediate medical attention once she realized that she was unwell.
Her attending GP, through his quick response in activating the 993 ambulance for the patient, had also helped to minimize the spread of infection from this case.The Health Ministry says it has initiated contact tracing of her close contacts. They will be quarantined and provided with antiviral prophylaxis.
Passengers who had travelled in the same flight and were seated in rows 52 to 58 are urged to call the hotline at 1800—333 9999 to enable the MOH to check on their health condition.
The MOH adds that all medical practitioners and health care institutions should continue to be vigilant to suspect cases. Singapore will continue with temperature screening for passengers entering Singapore at all checkpoints (land, sea and air). All passengers passing through or entering Singapore are given Health Alert Notices on board their flights, advising them to monitor their own health if they have been to affected areas and to seek medical attention immediately if they are not well.Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 2:10 PM
The Mystery Of 'Missing" Fingerprints
The Mystery Of "Missing" Fingerprints Reported by : Elliase Star The man, identified only as Mr. S., was detained at airport customs for four hours until puzzled Homeland Security officials were able to verify his identity by other means, according to a letter posted online in Annals of Oncology. The loss of fingerprints is part of a condition known as hand-foot syndrome -- formally palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia -- that arises in patients taking capecitabine (Xeloda), according to the man's doctor, Eng-Huat Tan, M.D., of the Singapore National Cancer Centre. The syndrome causes chronic inflammation of the palms or soles of the feet and the skin can peel, bleed and develop ulcers or blisters. "This can give rise to eradication of finger prints with time," Dr. Tan said in a statement. The syndrome appears to be relatively common among capecitabine patients. One study, published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology in 2004, found that 65% of patients in clinical trials of the drug developed hand-foot syndrome, although only about 5% had a grade 3 condition. Labels: reports
TPW Editoial Dept. 报道/编辑部 2:03 PM
总结 Conclusion for TPWSG
30 April 2011
It had long past our 2 years old (although it's dead). So as our 'birthday' , it is declared that we're officially dead nd we shall remain like this FOREVER!
However, please, do not advertise or post malicious links at our chat box as it breaks the peace here. Let the time pause at TPWSG and feel free to roam in the 2009 world!
The Popular Words Singapore
Chief Editor
Sheng Tou Chi.
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 11:18 PM
Morakot Typhoon in Taiwan 台湾莫拉克台风
21 August 2009
Reported By
Tainted Angel
Taipei, on the 12th of August, experienced an extremely heavy afternoon thunderstorm. The hardest hit areas were Yunghe & Banciao. Both received over 100mm of rain in just one hour. Yunghe, Banciao and other areas around Taipei experienced flooding.
The afternoon thunderstorms preceded by daytime sunshine are the standard pattern for summertime weather in Taiwan. 100mm in an hour for such storms were conceded "rare" by meteorologists. Another storm is forecasted for Taipei on Thursday afternoon August 13th, possibly just as heavy.
Typhoon Morakot brought record levels of rain. During Saturday, August 8th and Sunday, August 9th, rainfall rates in the south was as high as 100mm / hour. Some areas of Ping Tung county received more rain over Saturday, August 8th and Sunday, August 9th as they normally get in a whole year.
The main culprit behind the record high rain levels has been the slow speed of the system. Moving at of 10 km / hr or slower, often looping backwards or entirely stationary.
The storm was downgraded to a Tropical Depression at 11am on Saturday, August 8th.
The highest winds occurred at Hualien County - 83-92 mph/ 72-80 kph. Highest urban winds were in Hualien City 55-63mph / 48-55kph. Taipei city saw gusts of 55-63mph / 48-55kph wind during the morning of Friday, August 7th.
The storm made landfall - eye of the storm reaches land – at 11:50pm Friday, August 7th. The center is still over the island and is expected to be off Taiwan by 2pm Saturday, August 8th.
Radius of storm arrived on Taiwan at 5am Friday, August 7th.
Taipei's Mass Rapid Transit System ran throughout the weekend, though with fewer trains during the wettest parts of the storm.
Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 1:24 PM
Second Report on Eclipse
08 August 2009
Reported By Platinum Butterfly and Horizon Sim
From around 8.41a.m. to 9.44a.m. that morning, 22 July 2009, the longest eclipse ever in the century, lasting 6 minutes, was observed. A complete eclipse in rare and the next complete eclipse is predicted to be happening in 2132.
In India, the eclipse started at 0620 and the whole sky is darkened. An old man was stepped to death duem to the bad weather and large crowd. Many Indians went there for religious purposes.Moreover, a company in India launched an idea of "near observing eclipse in the sky" with the airplane flying up on the sky at around 0800 that day.
In the another country, China, the whole city went dark and lights were all lit up and the sun was covered by the moon for 6 minutes and 39 seconds. The scene was amazing with a crowd removing their sunglasses when the sun is completely missing. In the past, Chinese used to believe that the sun was ate by the dog and it is a bad omen, but it has been proven it wrong.
For the rain in the morning and black clouds, Singapore cannot observe any signs of eclipse, not as some scientists' hypothesis saying "10% of the sun can be seen blacked out".Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 5:23 PM
日全食报道 Report on Eclipse.
日全食,又作日蚀,是一种天文现象,只在月球运行至太阳与地球之间时发生。这时,对地球上的部分地区来说,月球位于地球前方,因此来自太阳的部分或全部光线被挡住,因此看起来好像是太阳的一部分或全部消失了。日食只在朔,即月球与太阳呈现合的状态时发生。 古时,人类缺乏天文学知识,以为日食是肇因于天狗食日,或象征灾难的降临,而在日食时举行仪式。但在现代社会中,日食的这层意义已逐渐为人们所抛弃。
这一次日全食发生于2009年7月22日,而下一次的日全食将会于2039年发生。 日食和月食的“季节”。日食一定发生在朔,即农历初一当日。此时月球位于地球和太阳之间,但因太阳轨道(黄道)与月球轨道(白道)成5°9交角,故并非每次朔日皆有日食发生,而日食发生时,日月两者皆一定在“黄白交点”(升交点或降交点)附近。 日、月食的发生必须是新月和满月出现在黄白交点的一定界限之内,这个界限就叫做“食限”。计算表明,对日食而言,如果新月在黄道和白道的交点附近18度左右的范围内,就可能发生日食;如果新月在黄道和白道的交点附近16度左右的范围内,则一定有日食发生。 对月食而言,如果望月在黄道和白道的交点附近12度左右的范围内,就可能发生月食;如果望月在黄道和白道的交点附近10度左右的范围内,则一定有月食发生。 由于黄道和白道的交点有两个,这两个交点相距180度,所以一年之中有两段时间可能发生日食和月食,这两段时间都称为“食季”,它们相距半年。 太阳每天在黄道上向东移动约1度,由于日食的食限为18度左右的范围,太阳从黄道和白道交点以西的18度运行到黄道和白道交点以东的18度,大约需要36天,也就是说日食的每一个食季为36天。对于月食而言,它的食限为12度左右,因此月食的每一个食季就只有24天。 一年之中有几次 日食的一个食季是36天,这个天数比一个朔望月的平均长度29.53还要长。因此在一个日食的食季内必定会发生一次日食,也可能发生两次日食。一年之中有两个日食食季,所以在一年之内至少有两次日食发生,也可能有四次日食发生(如果每个食季中都包含两个朔日的话)。 日全食
月食的一个食季为24天,这个天数比一个朔望月的平均天数29.53天还要短。因此在月食的一个食季内可能包含一个望月,也可能没有望月在内,也就是说,在这个食季内可能有一次月食发生,也可能连一次月食也不会发生。一年之中月食的食季也是有两个;”所以在一年之中,可能有两次月食发生,也可能连一次月食也不会发生。 一年之中,日、月食的次数最多时可以达到六次,即四次日食和两次月食.但是实际上有时候一年之中的日、月食次数可以多达七次,即五次日食和两次月食,或者是四次日食和三次月食。如1935年就曾发生过五次日食和两次月食,将来的2160年也会是这样;1917年和1982年就曾发生过四次日食和三次月食。那么,为什么一年之内的日、月食会多达七次呢? 这是由于在太阳的引力作用下,黄道和白道的交点会不断地沿着黄道从东向西移动,每年约移动20度,这个方向与太阳沿黄道运行的方向相反,因此太阳在黄道上连续两次通过同一交点所经历的时间间隔(这个间隔叫“食年”)比一年(365.2422天)要短,只有346.62天,要约少19天。这样就会产生两种情况:一种情况是一年365.2422天之内,包含了两个完整的食季和一个不完整的食季。比方说第一个食季开始1月初,那么经过346.62天一个食年之后,第三个食季就会在同一年的12月中旬开始,在这种情况下就可能发生五次日食和两次月食;另一种情况是一年365.2422天之内,包含了两个不完整的食季(一个在年头,一个在年尾)和一个完整的食季,在这种情况下就可能发生四次日食和三次月食。 并不是所有的日食现象都能称作日全食,其中全环食最容易被误认作日全食: 日偏食:中国史书上称“日有食之,不尽如勾”,造成日偏食的原因是因为观测者落在月球的半影区中,观测者会看见一部分的太阳被月球的阴影遮盖,但另一部分仍继续发光。太阳和月球只有部分重合,依据两者中心的视距离远近(太阳被月球遮盖的最大直径)来衡量食的大小。通常日偏食是伴随着其他食相发生,如日全食。但某些日食只可能是日偏食(不伴随其他食相),因为月球与地球的距离太远,只有半影碰到地球表面。 日环食:当月球处于远地点时,月球的本影锥不能到达地球;到达地球的是由本影锥延长出的伪本影锥。此时月球的视直径略小于太阳。因此,这时太阳边缘的光球仍可见,形成一环绕在月球阴影周围的亮环。(在环食区之外,所见的食相是偏食) 全环食:全环食只发生在地球表面与月球本影尖端非常接近,或月球与地球表面的距离和月本影的长度很接近的情形下。由于地球为球体之关系,而本影影锥接触地球时为日全食(常为在食带中间),在食带两端由于影锥未能接触地球,致只能有伪本影到达地球之下,所看到的是日环食。所以,当全环食发生时,随着地月之间的相对运动,会先后出现环食→全食→环食。全环食发生机率甚少,最近的一次在2005年4月8日。 一年中日、月食可能发生的次数归纳 一年中日、月食最少有两次,而且这两次都是日食; 一年中可能一次月食都不会发生(如1980年); 一年中日、月食最多可以有七次:五次日食和两次月食(例如1935年),或者是四次日食和三次月食(例如1917年和 1982年)。 一般说来,最常见的情况是一年中有四次日、月食:两次日食和两次月食。 上面这些情况只是对全地球来说的。至于对地球的某个地点而言,一年内能看到日、月食的机会就要少得多。 另外,从上面的数字来看,一年中日食发生的次数比月食发生的次数多,但实际上人们却往往看到月食的次数比看到日食的次数多。这是由于月食发生时,背着太阳的那半个地球上的人都可以看到;而在日食发生时,月亮的影锥只扫过地球上一个狭窄的地带,只有在这部分地区的人才能看到日食。1961年3月2日夜里发生的月食,在我国、整个亚洲以及欧洲地区都可以看到。而1968年9月22日发生的日全食,在我国只有新疆的部分地区可以看到全食,在北京只能看到日偏食,而在上海,什么也看不到。 日食和月食的周期性 由于地球绕太阳和月亮绕地球的公转运动都有一定的规律,因此日食和月食的发生也具有其循环的周期性。 早在古代,巴比伦人根据对日食和月食的长期统计,发现了日食和月食的发生有一个223个朔望月的周期。这个223个朔望月的周期便被称为“沙罗周期”,“沙罗”就是重复的意思。 223个朔望月等于6585.3天(223×29.530588),即18年零11.3天,如果在这段时间内有5个闰年,那就是18年零10.3天。在这段时间内,太阳、月亮和黄白交点的相对位置在经常改变着,而经过一个沙罗周期之后,太阳、月亮和黄白交点差不多又回到原来相对的位置,因此便会出现同上一次情况相类似的日、月食,但见食的地点会有所变化,这里就不再细述了。 在我国汉代也发现日、月食具有一个135个朔望月的周期。135个朔望月等于3986.6天,约等于11年少31天,也就是说日、月食每过11年少31天重复发生一次。这个循环周期记载在汉代的“三统历”中,因此也称为“三统历周期”。 此外,人们还发现日、月食还有其他的循环周期。比如以358个朔望月为周期的纽康周期(合29年少20日),以235个朔望月为周期的米顿周期(合19年)等等,但这些周期都是非常粗略的,只能粗略地推算出日、月食发生的日期,并不能确定日、月食发生的准确时刻,食分的大小和见食的地区。准确的日、月食发生的时间以及交食情况,需要经过专门的严格推算,这已经是属于相当专门的历书天文学中“食论”的研究范围了。我国紫金山天文台就担负着日、月食预报的工作。 日全食基本知识 一次日全食的过程可以包括以下五个时期:初亏、食既、食甚、生光、复圆。
初亏由于月亮自西向东绕地球运转,所以日食总是在太阳圆面的西边缘开始的。当月亮的东边缘刚接触到太阳圆面的瞬间(即月面的东边缘与日面的西边缘相外切的时刻),称为初亏。初亏也就是日食过程开始的时刻。 食既从初亏开始,就是偏食阶段了。月亮继续往东运行,太阳圆面被月亮遮掩的部分逐渐增大,阳光的强度与热度显著下降。当月面的东边缘与日面的东边缘相内切时,称为食既。此时整个太阳圆面被遮住,因此,食既也就是日全食开始的时刻。 1 .日食发生规律
每年日食最多出现5次,如果出现5次,那么一定都是偏食。地球上每年至少有2次日食。在南北极地区只能看到日偏食。日全食大约1年半发生一次。每次日食都是在日出时从某一点开始,然后沿着日食带在日没时结束。从开始点到结束点大约绕地球半圈。日食一定发生在朔,即农历初一当日。此时月球位于地球和太阳之间,但因太阳轨道(黄道)与月球轨道(白道)成5°9′交角,故并非每次朔日皆有日食发生,而日食发生时,日月两者皆一定在“黄白交点”(升交点或降交点)附近发生。 2 .沙罗周期
同样的日食(全食、环食和偏食)每18年零11天或者6,585.32天(沙罗周期)会发生一次,但能观测得到的地区并不一样,只是日食时间一样而已,并且日食类型也不一定一样。因为沙罗周期的长度是6,585.32天,并不是整数,所以,如果在地球同一个地点再出现一次日食(并不一定是同一类型日食),要等待3个沙罗期。在每次日食发生后的三分之一个沙罗周期会发生下一次日食,在3个沙罗期大约54年零33天之后,日食会在同一个地区重新出现。现在有12个不同的大沙罗周期出现,一个出现在1937,1955,1973,1991和2009(中国长江流域、武汉、杭州)的连续的大约7.5分钟的日食。 3. 日食带即月球影子
日食带(月球影子)在赤道地区每小时移动约1,100英里,两极则达到每小时5,000英里。最宽的日全食带为167英里。在日全食经过的地区,可以看到偏食的范围最高达3,000英里。日全食带一般经过的地区是在海洋或荒无人烟的地方。 4 .日食原理
发生日全食是因为太阳靠近月球轨道与地球轨道的一个交点,而同时月球在距此点的最近的点上。发生日环食是因为太阳靠近月球轨道与地球轨道的的一个交点,而同时月球在距此点的最远的点上。 日全食的意义价值 日全食之所以受重视,更主要的原因是它的天文观测价值巨大。科学史上有许多重大的天文学和物理学发现是利用日全食的机会做出的,而且只有通过这种机会才行。最著名的例子是1919年的 一次日全食,证实了爱因斯坦广义相对论的正确性。爱因斯坦1915年发表了在当时看来是极其难懂、也极 其难以置信的广义相对论,这种理论预言光线在巨大的引力场中会拐弯。人类能接触到的最强的引力 场就是太阳,可是太阳本身发出很强的光,远处的微弱星光在经过太阳附近时是不是拐弯了,根本看不出来。但如果发生日全食,挡住太阳光,就可以测量出来光线拐没拐弯、拐了多大的弯。机会在1919年出现 了,但全食带在南大西洋上,很遥远,也很艰苦。英国天文学家爱丁顿带着一支热情和好奇心极强的观测 队出发了。观测结果与爱因斯坦事先计算的结果十分吻合,从此相对论得到世人的承认。 在中国,前两次日全食都只能在边远地区看到。一次是在1980年,只有中缅边境云南瑞丽地区可见,另一次是在1997年春节之后,在中俄边境、中国的最北端漠河可见。那次笔者是奉了报社之命前去采访的,同时也了却自己少年时的梦想。那次的观测规模之大,出乎想象,世界各国的天文学家和天 文爱好者,把个平时人迹罕至的北疆小镇挤得比过年还热闹,由于人数大大超出小镇的接待能力,人们只能宿营在火车和汽车上。当时那里还是冬天,白天气温零下25摄氏度左右,夜里能到零下40摄氏度,滴水 成冰,人们连洗脸漱口的水都找不到。尽管如此,观测者们没有一个后悔的,没有一个不兴奋异常的,都 把亲眼看到日全食,当成人生中不可多得的珍贵记忆。日全食之类的天文现象,要说与人们的日常生活、 吃喝拉撒,确实是没有什么直接关系。但是,它代表了一种终极的人文关怀,代表了一种对大自然的极度 热爱,代表了对支配万事万物的自然铁律的一种永恒的好奇和敬畏,一个国家、一个民族,不能缺少这些。Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 5:14 PM
13 July 2009
We are happy to inform you that we are going to close down the website, ThePopularWords, for few weeks and will be back to you readers shortly after our re-construction to the site. Thank you for supporting us!
我们很高兴的向各读者宣布,本站将在即日起暂时关闭以进行维修工作。请各读者放心,我们将在几个星期后重新运作,为大家服务。感谢各位的支持!Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 8:58 PM
True Hearts Charity Show
01 July 2009
True Hearts Charity Show
Reported By: Yoko
The True Hearts Charity Show, which was held on 7th of June, was a great success. It started off with a hyped kung fu performance with a few actors and lots of kids that had trained for the show for a long time. Ling Yi Jie came in next and mesmerised the crowd with a classical song. Her voice was accompanied with a guzheng-like instrument.
A shock:
Ling Yi Jie suddenly changed her wardrobe just as the genre of the song changed from classical to hard rock which took me by surprise. Nice twist to the classical song. Her jet black dress looked splendid on her.
Following that, the band Hong Mao Pai performed, for the first time on the charity show, another classical song with a hard rock twist. Personally didn't like their voices. However, I loved their wardrobe and the song they sung had a nice tune.
Ou Xuan went on stage next. Performing in a pearl white dress which complemented her skin tone, her modern ballet piece was very well choreographed. She had a beautiful duet with Melody, a sufferer of down syndrome. They were in perfect harmony and their performance was brilliant. Even the wardrobe was well-put.
Next up, two pianists serenade the crowd with a marvelous piano pieces. The pieces were beautifully played even though one of the pianists was deaf while the other was blind.
I think this would have to be the moment when the crowd went totally wild- Show Luo's appearance on stage. An energetic cheography with a wardrobe done to utmost perfection. To top his performance, he even donated S$100,000. A generous donation on his part. Wearing a white top, paired with a pair of black jeans and a scarf-like tie, he performed 2 songs that night. He made the crowd go wild and screams of his fans could be heard, probably due to how suave and cool he looked that night.
Subsequently, the art exhibition, that a number of physically challenged children and young adults had been working on, was revealed. Even though they were physically challenged, their works were simply marvellous.
After the amazing art exhibit that was revealed, the final performance of the night comenced. And it was a big drum performance! In a sense, it was immpressive and was filled with rhythm and power. The wardrobe was strong in colour using black, gold and red as base colour.
The show was a great success and a grand total of S$3,303,035 was generated throughout the 3 hours show that very night.Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 3:13 PM
He had suffered a heart attack
He had suffered a heart attack
Reported By Elliase Star
A man died after he fell forward and hit the cabin of the MRT train when the train reached Bukit Batok station. He collapsed on the ground and injured his spine. The man suffered heart attack before the accident and had hypertension. That made his death "not natural”. A witness saw Mr Chua "wobbling" on the platform because he was unwell but no assistance was given to him. The deceased appeared to have hit his head against the side of the cabin before he collapsed. He was announced to be dead after the ambulance came at 6.13a.m. Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 2:59 PM
Climate threatens farmlands 气候变化威胁农地
28 June 2009
Climate threatens farmlands Reported By: Yoko Climate change could cost the African continent more farmland than the United States uses to plant its eight major field crops combined, according to a study published in the June issue of Environmental Science and Policy. Farming on up to 1 million square kilometres (247 million acres) of land in Africa could subside by 2050 as climate change makes areas too hot and dry for growing crops, the study said. The latest US Agriculture Department data puts plantings of the eight major US field crops combined at 246 million acres for the coming year. Though unsuitable for crops, the land could still sustain livestock, which are more tolerant to heat and drought, researchers from the Nairobi-based International Livestock Research Institute and the United Kingdom's Waen Associates found. Boosting livestock production could provide the 20 million to 35 million people living in these areas with a means to stay on their land and make an income, researchers said. Carlos Sere, the Institute's director general, noted that the addition of livestock would have to be done sustainably. But changing weather conditions and increasing demand for meat will make the addition inevitable, he said. The study pinpointed areas in Africa where small farmers would be best served by transitioning more of their enterprise to livestock than crops. But much remains unknown about local impacts of climate change as current climate science and models today are best suited for regional studies, the researchers said. Investment to improve the accuracy of climate models could help groups determine the communities most at risk from global warming, the researchers said. Identifying areas at risk could help governments and aid groups limit poor farmers' need to abandon agriculture by developing policy and agendas that mitigate climate change. Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 9:33 PM
Report on Singapore's First Case of Influzena A (H1N1)
30 May 2009
Singapore's first case of Influenza A (H1N1)
Reported by Belizesh
The patient is currently being treated at the Communicable Disease Centre at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and is in stable condition. The 22—year—old Singaporean woman who was in New York from May 14—24 and she arrived back in Singapore from New York on SQ25 on 26 May at 6.30am.She began to develop a cough while onboard. She passed the thermal scanner uneventfully as she did not have fever then.
Later in the morning, she consulted a GP who decided to send her to TTSH via a 993 ambulance, given her travel history. She was immediately admitted for testing. Laboratory confirmation of her infection was made by midnight of 26 May.The patient has been vigilant in monitoring her own condition and had sought immediate medical attention once she realized that she was unwell.
Her attending GP, through his quick response in activating the 993 ambulance for the patient, had also helped to minimize the spread of infection from this case.The Health Ministry says it has initiated contact tracing of her close contacts. They will be quarantined and provided with antiviral prophylaxis.
Passengers who had travelled in the same flight and were seated in rows 52 to 58 are urged to call the hotline at 1800—333 9999 to enable the MOH to check on their health condition.
The MOH adds that all medical practitioners and health care institutions should continue to be vigilant to suspect cases. Singapore will continue with temperature screening for passengers entering Singapore at all checkpoints (land, sea and air). All passengers passing through or entering Singapore are given Health Alert Notices on board their flights, advising them to monitor their own health if they have been to affected areas and to seek medical attention immediately if they are not well.Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 2:10 PM
The Mystery Of 'Missing" Fingerprints
The Mystery Of "Missing" Fingerprints Reported by : Elliase Star The man, identified only as Mr. S., was detained at airport customs for four hours until puzzled Homeland Security officials were able to verify his identity by other means, according to a letter posted online in Annals of Oncology. The loss of fingerprints is part of a condition known as hand-foot syndrome -- formally palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia -- that arises in patients taking capecitabine (Xeloda), according to the man's doctor, Eng-Huat Tan, M.D., of the Singapore National Cancer Centre. The syndrome causes chronic inflammation of the palms or soles of the feet and the skin can peel, bleed and develop ulcers or blisters. "This can give rise to eradication of finger prints with time," Dr. Tan said in a statement. The syndrome appears to be relatively common among capecitabine patients. One study, published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology in 2004, found that 65% of patients in clinical trials of the drug developed hand-foot syndrome, although only about 5% had a grade 3 condition. Labels: reports
TPW Editorial Dept. 火红的文字报道/编辑部 2:03 PM
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Pauses this week, 本期暂停
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杂锦饭Jumbled Up
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